i have a personal friend

    Gold, Silver Inverse H & S?

    Posted by desertrat on 13th of May 2010 at 10:18 am

    i have a personal friend who was written up in forbes magazine had one of the most extensive private blues record collections in the country he sold the complete collection and put it all in silver at 4.40 oz he has exactly one ton needless to say we are still friends haha!!

    What a Deal!

    Posted by sonia on 13th of May 2010 at 10:24 am

    Heck of a deal if he got it at $4.40 an ounce!  The low on Halloween '08 only got down to just under $8.50, so he got almost a 50% discount, guess for buying quantity?  He's up over 400% so far, and looks to keep going.


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