
    Posted by marketguy on 2nd of May 2010 at 08:18 pm

    seriously?  the news of a Greek bailout gets the futures up 6pts already?!?!?! 

    So let me get this straight, the EU (and the IMF of which is 50% funded by the USA via our tax dollars btw) is going to give these dicks $150 "billion" over the next few years and instead of being grateful or in any way appreciative they are still rioting in the streets about a 3 year pay "freeze"? 

    Frick that, let them burn...what a bunch of ungrateful idiots.

    Greece is just a "pass-through

    Posted by steveh on 3rd of May 2010 at 04:38 am

    Greece is just a "pass-through vehicle". This is in fact another bank bailout. (As a sidebar, it's got to be some kind of comment on the delusional world we're now living in that taxpayers in the other PIIGS are amongst those who are going to be contributing to this bailout of, inter alia, French and German banks. Will Greek taxpayers - if any can be found - get to participate in a future EU bailout of, say, Portugal or Spain??)


    Posted by parki48 on 3rd of May 2010 at 04:20 am
    Title: its not the people

    I agree! Their laziness is

    Posted by sethbru on 2nd of May 2010 at 11:06 pm

    I agree! Their laziness is outrageous. I heard last week that they are protesting since they are going to take a pay cut from 14 months of salary per year to only 12  months of salary - not joking here.

    Now. here's a joke? What is the capital of Greece? About $100 Million these days.

    they get one check per

    Posted by 8899 on 2nd of May 2010 at 11:35 pm

    they get one check per month plus one at Easter and one at Christmas is the explanation i heard

    60 min stochastics are oversold. 

    Posted by oltea on 2nd of May 2010 at 08:20 pm

    60 min stochastics are oversold.  short when overbought


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