Spot on

    Healthcare Stocks

    Posted by perthx on 22nd of Mar 2010 at 03:45 pm

    You nailed it George. I am not in my 20s anymore but once this monstrosity takes effect I will dump my insurance...they want to destroy the insurance industry and I may as well help out and do my part.

    I figure the US ought to go on a huge spending spree and borrow as much as we can. I mean we are going to go bankrupt anyways may as well have one heck of a spending orgy first.

    Already they are talking about the NEED for a national sales tax to pay for all this....forget that. If the Republicans were smart they would run on both repealing this monstrosity and on passing the FAIR TAX(wiping out all other taxes!) But since both parties are out for themselves and not the people, well, I guess we are screwed.


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