GBPUSD, UK Election

    Posted by isplat on 26th of Feb 2010 at 01:46 pm

    I realize that most folks here are concerned with US markets, but I'd still like to throw this in here, hoping for comments, so please indulge me:

    Rumour has it that BBC news teams have been told not to travel this weekend, as they might be called in to cover the announcement of the election date (rumoured - once again - to be 25 March). Now what might Brown do, desperate as he is, to get quick, short-term economic results, and how might that impact on Cable?

    sneaking in the election before the budget??

    Posted by biketastic on 26th of Feb 2010 at 03:20 pm

    In the UK, governments have a maximum term they can serve but they can call an election at any time with just 3 weeks notice.

    Last year the budget was on 22 April but a date has not yet been announced for this year.  Shambolic, isn't it?

    Calling a snap election - at a time when the poll margins are narrowing - AND before an austerity budget is a distinct possibility imho.  Additionally, there is friction between the Brown job and the Chancellor (who wants to start reining in spending).  Brown just wants votes - and the country can go to hell in a hand cart.  It's all about hubris with him.

    Likely to be a hung

    Posted by philosoraptor on 26th of Feb 2010 at 01:56 pm

    Likely to be a hung parliament, with the Liberal Democrats holding the trump card as the third main party. Will they form a coalition? Whatever, would result in a very uncertain period politically - and do the markets like uncertainty?.....

    Brown thowing a "Hail Mary"?

    Posted by perthx on 26th of Feb 2010 at 01:50 pm

    Wow an Election on the Annunciation day.

    Is he hoping for his own miracle??


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