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Stockchart systems

mecanical system

Posted by zeke on 2nd of Feb 2010 at 12:54 pm

I agree.

I haven't had any luck trying to convert any of the existing mechanical systems (that have time frames that don't work with stockcharts) to stockcharts time frames.

Stockcharts issues

Stockcharts issues

Posted by zeke on 1st of Feb 2010 at 02:38 pm

I have been using stockcharts for two years and have occasionally sent support an e-mail.

I have always received a responce within 24 hours of my e-mail.

Most of my requests have been questions about using their scan engine.


SPX30 Parallel Lines

SPX 30

Posted by zeke on 28th of Jan 2010 at 01:43 pm

Thanks, I got it to work.

The key was to use the selction tool button after drawing the line.  Then hit control and drag it.


annotate stockcharts

SPX 30

Posted by zeke on 28th of Jan 2010 at 01:23 pm

Steve,When you annotate your $SPX stockchart with the 3 parallel lines, are you using the Raff Regression Channel tool or drawing them free hand?


Srs 1 min Mechanical system

SRS mech systems

Posted by zeke on 7th of Jul 2009 at 03:57 pm


Somehow I have missed the MA criteria for the SRS 1 min mechanical system.

I see the 15 min and 3 min criteria but nothing for the 1min.




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