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I think you have made a very astute observation.  Trump wants US companies to channel shift to other more US friendly and greater ability to control their markets (via the "IMF").  South America and India are good options and more democratic.   Lat December Tim Cook was whining about the tariffs and how it is going to greatly impact his company.  1. Why would you not think that China will eventually steal your IP (The basic philosophy of communism is that you must share).  2. Look at Apple's stock today (all time highs).   Tim Cook set the stage that things would be so dire, but as the market snapped back and the Fed starting lowering rates - The stock is up over 100% since the December low and now he looks like the hero for the company.  Well done. 

Futures up on China economic data (if you can trust it).   

I live in North Scottsdale and my phone was buzzing all night with "Warning - Tornado Alert - take cove in the interior of your house" .  Scary stuff. 

BYND looks like a short

Posted by ssaffer on 27th of Nov 2019 at 11:58 am

BYND looks like a short term double bottom and breaking from that today

Charts of interest. 

Posted by ssaffer on 25th of Nov 2019 at 09:12 pm

Charts of interest. 

West coast it would be after 1 am.   Ex. last week price kept pushing higher even though we saw bearish divergences across the board and volume was declining. That being said going short would have not been a bad idea as the market kept stair stepping up and up.  then finally pulled back a little this week.  Indicators are necessary to know where to drive the boat( Buoy markers) but you have to always be alert for a change in tide, winds, storm fronts when you are out in the open water.  A safe watering hole can easily become a trap if you are not paying attention to the tide, wind speed, barometer, etc...  I use boating because I love to go deep sea fishing and sailing and have learned some valuable lessons out there.  

only 100% in death and

Updated stats

Posted by ssaffer on 21st of Nov 2019 at 04:15 pm

only 100% in death and taxes.  

For sure.  Just filled up my gas guzzler SUV.  Looks like a nice inverse H&S.  I am throwing a long arrow here, but I think we might seen a long term low in Oil last week and see a nice rally into 2020.  But then I will be paying higher at the pump and that sucks the bottom line down. 

it is time to flip

Posted by ssaffer on 21st of Nov 2019 at 03:09 pm

it is time to flip the switch on OIL and OIL industry.  buyers coming in.  

Short strokes my arse.  Pump and dump.  Keep the dream alive.  

The Trump/Powell Put.  

Know the game - Wall

Posted by ssaffer on 19th of Nov 2019 at 02:05 pm

Know the game - Wall street is paid on performance,  their bonuses upwards in 7 figures.  They are looking at 28% performance SP500.  The game is to hold up until Mid December  (when they can punch their ticket out).   Clients happy and they make out HUGE.  If they all run to the exits now, would have a waterfall move to the downside.  You are seeing a ton of sector rotation of taking profits from the runners to now the Dogs with fleas.    Russell is will probably outperform the remainder of the run.  

Short Strokes!

VXN closing below the BB today.

Posted by ssaffer on 15th of Nov 2019 at 04:01 pm

Short Strokes!

Great work as always on the filter.  

At my age, I have experienced many booms and busts.  I do not think about the market anymore or care what people have to say/comments.  I am long when the trend is up and short/cash when it is down.  I have become a "bot".   

agreed.  Push until it pops.  

The Trump and Kudlow show will end badly.  The more they pump and get mom and grandma to put all their savings into the market because bonds and CD's pay zero.  Reminds me of the 1999 euphoria were everyone became a stock picker and you couldn't lose by going long.  

The China story has been a pump and dump from Jan 2019.

Beyond Meat (BYND) - looks

Posted by ssaffer on 12th of Nov 2019 at 03:59 pm

Beyond Meat (BYND) - looks like nice hammer today.  Bullish divergence.  


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