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Looking for this set up

Posted by ssaffer on 16th of Dec 2019 at 10:17 am

Looking for this set up this week.  This is screen shot of SPY/15 min.  11/27 - Huge sell spike towards the close, then drop below the 9 ema.  

The Repo's are getting interesting.

Posted by ssaffer on 16th of Dec 2019 at 10:01 am

The Repo's are getting interesting.  Huge amount of Fed money (basically QE4) being floated into the repo market.  Right now it is at 1.25-1.5%.  If one day that jumps to 2% could be trouble. Mondays repos rip the markets in the am futures.  

I feel another exhaustion trade

Posted by ssaffer on 16th of Dec 2019 at 09:57 am

I feel another exhaustion trade set up coming.   I call them Eiffel tower shorts.  The best set ups.  

In the end, we will all have to pay for it (super inflation or high interest rates or both).

Nice work.  Need to clear

TLT 60 min 1st MA ribbon pinch

Posted by ssaffer on 13th of Dec 2019 at 01:26 pm

Nice work.  Need to clear 140 for me to enter that trade.


Posted by ssaffer on 13th of Dec 2019 at 12:39 pm


Hopefully we can get relief from all the BS "tweets" now.  I like trading on a 120/60 time frame but this year with all the "tweets" I switched it up to 10/5 min time frame so i wouldnt get wiped out on a tweet. 

They are putting millions and billions in their pockets from the trade wars, non wars, wars.  We have Oligarchs dressed up.  The losers are the retired/ middle/lower income people who when asked about the performance of the stock market this year, couldn't tell you. (29%).   They are struggling mightily to just pay their minimum payments on their credit cards.  The trillions of dollars in tax relief went to the large corporations and they bought back shares with it.  They also gobbled up smaller companies that could not compete with their buying power, which in the end hurts us as competition goes away and we are forced to buy or deal with just a couple of conglomerates.  Wage growth has no where near kept up with inflation (food and healthcare).  House of cards, but we have to play the hand we have.  - two cents.    

Amazing!  Now lets keep it between the group.  Do not want the Quants to catch onto you guys. 

Matt- As we know the market is dynamic and never static.  You guys have done a fantastic job on the trades, I just trade in shorter time frames with my trading count so this am I was trading on the 5 min and made my exit.    We should get some great shorting opportunities coming up and into early January.  I look forward to the next "alert". 

Sold my SPY position (Thanks

Posted by ssaffer on 12th of Dec 2019 at 11:38 am

Sold my SPY position (Thanks Matt and Steve) at the am pop as I saw large sell orders come in on level 2.  and now SDS@25.80 .  Trying to beat the "Bots".  

Just like being half pregnant. 

during the late stages of a Bull rally you will notice small cap stocks that were left for dead start to jump and pop and the big names start to get hammered.  Rotation until the last roadkill is run over twice.

His re-election hinges on a deal but once the "deal" is done (whatever that looks like) sell the news and then back to reality of real economic data.  

Agreed.  Billions have been made off of the China tariffs, no tariffs, we have a deal, we do not have deal- swing trades. 

Been patiently waiting to get back in.  Setting up nicely and big red candle on UUP could produce a new entry. 

The Bid and Ask spread

KIDS daily  breaking out.

Posted by ssaffer on 11th of Dec 2019 at 02:57 pm

The Bid and Ask spread on that stock is crazy. Some MM is making alot of $$$

Put some  SPY option Strangles

Posted by ssaffer on 11th of Dec 2019 at 11:34 am

Put some  SPY option Strangles on today.

dang!  I missed that run.  

JO- on my watch !

Posted by ssaffer on 11th of Dec 2019 at 10:09 am

dang!  I missed that run.  

CGC on the move this

Posted by ssaffer on 9th of Dec 2019 at 10:34 am

CGC on the move this am.  


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