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Posted by ssaffer on 3rd of Jan 2020 at 01:34 pm


I believe the markets will go higher after this pullback.  As long as interest rates remain low. 

No one is talking about the crappy ISM and Auto sales down today.  


PPT team was buying hard

Posted by ssaffer on 3rd of Jan 2020 at 12:05 pm

PPT team was buying hard at the open.   Yesterdays hand was tipped as we hit new highs while the ATR was going up.  Usually when you have a healthy pullback to re-enter the ATR is going down with the move.  Do not think yesterday was the start of a new uptrend (just my two cents).   Breadth looks to all short covering right now. 

Coiling.  Now whether it breaks up or down.   

Do you DD, most of

Intersting article

Posted by ssaffer on 3rd of Jan 2020 at 11:15 am

Do you DD, most of the stuff out there is garbage.   Make sure it is not Hemp oil (cold press same as cooking oil).  Make sure when you purchase it that it comes with a testing certification  (gives you the % of CBD, and the % of Terpenes).   I take an isolate powder in the am before the gym and then take an oil before bed.  I am 50.  I do not get that sore anymore after a rigorous workout, biking and or Hiking.  My background is a chemist, so I started making it just to help myself and wife  and now a couple of years later I have working with some companies as a consultant on the different formulations.  Most peoples first experience with CBD oil is not good, because there is some much garbage out there, not much regulation yet.  It is still considered a "nutritional supplement" by the FDA, same classification as vitamins (companies can make any claim). 

The average citizen will never

Intersting article

Posted by ssaffer on 3rd of Jan 2020 at 11:02 am

The average citizen will never get inside money.  They actually lose  buying power in the end.  Most american's couldn't even tell you that we had a record year in the markets for 2019.  Wages have been stagnant for 20 years.   Flooding the markets with money produces bad actors.  Now if the Fed cut a check for $50K to every american that was in the middle to lower tax brackets, that would create growth.  At first glance most people would scoff at that idea, but think about it (Especially if a couple has to put a child through college today).  

Take some AC/DC CBD Oil.

Intersting article

Posted by ssaffer on 3rd of Jan 2020 at 10:57 am

Take some AC/DC CBD Oil.  I manufacture it, send you some samples.  Very effective for headaches and body aches. 

Good work. 

A lot of volatility tomorrow.   Glad I loaded up on SPY PUTS - 1/17 Exp. at the close.   Too much complacency.   

Sara - good work on the technical side.  

I am with you.  You

CNN Fear and Greed

Posted by ssaffer on 2nd of Jan 2020 at 03:17 pm

I am with you.  You cannot lose.  Cash out all your savings, bond funds, reverse mortgage - go long and walk away.  Check your account Dec 2020 to count all your money. 

Dow 50K !  We need

CNN Fear and Greed

Posted by ssaffer on 2nd of Jan 2020 at 03:11 pm

Dow 50K !  We need to get Grandma and Grandpa to cash in their annuities and buy the market now!  

TLT/TMF - Big white candles

Posted by ssaffer on 2nd of Jan 2020 at 10:31 am

TLT/TMF - Big white candles today.  

TLT/TMF - Big white candles

Posted by ssaffer on 2nd of Jan 2020 at 10:31 am

TLT/TMF - Big white candles today.  

Good work Sir (as always).   On 12-20 adjusted my 401K (was 100% large cap Vanguard fund)  and moved 50% Bonds, 50% cash.  Wait for the next intermediate dip.  

$VIX - Another day, another all time high ...  what ...

Posted by ssaffer on 28th of Dec 2019 at 02:37 pm

Bought Puts on IWM and QQQ midday.  Selling picked up into the close (going off of the 15 min). 


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