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so I get it.  Load up short on ES, detonate a bomb.  Pick up a major payout.  Then reverse the trade in the am... rinse and repeat.  The Iranians just learned how to get rich on this deal. 

Here we go again.  Trump will say it is fine before tomorrows open and then another blast off.  

AAPL, MSFT, AMZN and GOOG basically are running the markets today.  Until earnings they will keep pushing until they run out of tracks., 

I do not know the stats ( I am sure Matt and the team can pull them up) but I would say going long right after a crisis probably has a high winning %.   trigger everyone's stops then load up.   

Brutal for those trapped in that big red candle.  

Back to 2000 PE multiples.

Posted by ssaffer on 8th of Jan 2020 at 01:49 pm

Back to 2000 PE multiples.  In 2000 it was up to 14.  The last month we have hit 14, actually 14.1.  There is no doubt that we are in a bubble, now it can and will probably keep going higher.  Know this, the easy money has been made.  It is a game of "jengo" now.  As Matt has discussed, hopefully we get a meaningful pullback in the next week so to get some better entry points for the next wave.  Ride the wave until it crashes:) 

Talk about Whipsaw mania.  Futures, Gold and Oil.   Powell had to stay up all night hitting the buy button on the ES futures contracts.   

Matt - Congrats!  Way to be nimble and act.  I didn't know that we would have this type of news but went short Bought Jan 17th at the money Puts on the SPY and RUT at The EOD) I was just going on my technical analysis.   Goingto be an interesting opening tomorrow for sure.    Have a good night and hopefully our soldiers are safe.  

MBOT- High flyer - coiling

Posted by ssaffer on 7th of Jan 2020 at 10:58 am

MBOT- High flyer - coiling

picked up Feb 5.50 Calls

BYND follow up

Posted by ssaffer on 7th of Jan 2020 at 10:45 am

picked up Feb 5.50 Calls yesterday.  Good price action today. 

Not too sure you should

PRED chart and video

Posted by ssaffer on 7th of Jan 2020 at 10:41 am

Not too sure you should even be storing those in your basement.  Probably should bury them about 200 yards down into the earth or give them to the US govt to give to Kim Jung Un as a Christmas gift.

Trailing stop?

LOL.  going short last and this year so far has proved to be a bad trade. Only morning gap downs but need to be able to quickly exit.  They are sticking it to the Bears for sure.  One day the Bears wont show up and they will be sticking it to themselves.  


We're in the middle of a large site upgrade, we ...

Posted by ssaffer on 4th of Jan 2020 at 11:15 am


Are you spam?

Powell took a lunch break. oh wait, he came back the 200 is being bid up now ( he must have just grabbed a protein bar).

Lets see who is wiling

SPX 5min ....  

Posted by ssaffer on 3rd of Jan 2020 at 03:13 pm

Lets see who is wiling to hold over the weekend.  

I think chairman Powell is

Posted by ssaffer on 3rd of Jan 2020 at 02:56 pm

I think chairman Powell is buying at the 200 day SMA on the 5 min intraday chart.   

TMF looking strong today on

Posted by ssaffer on 3rd of Jan 2020 at 02:40 pm

TMF looking strong today on the Daily and Weekly.

I tried trading Natural Gas

UGAZ comments

Posted by ssaffer on 3rd of Jan 2020 at 02:28 pm

I tried trading Natural Gas 8 years ago and almost lost my shirt.  Tremendous volatility.  Not for the faint of heart.   Been in a downtrend for years.  The  Daily chart does look promising, weekly chart is still too weak for my taste. 


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