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Futures up tonight, I guess

Posted by ssaffer on 21st of Jan 2020 at 10:28 pm

Futures up tonight, I guess the one day of red was an anomaly. 

The Impeachment is just another

SPX 5 min

Posted by ssaffer on 21st of Jan 2020 at 03:14 pm

The Impeachment is just another circus show.  No teeth and a waste of tax payer money.  People need healthcare, jobs and be able to support there families as the disparity of wealth widens.  

Retrofitted old planes and tried

BA Updated View

Posted by ssaffer on 21st of Jan 2020 at 03:09 pm

Retrofitted old planes and tried to overcompensate for the faults with computer software program.  Hundreds dead and CEO leaves with Millions in compensation.  Seems fair. 

Great Story.  If I can

A fun read

Posted by ssaffer on 19th of Jan 2020 at 11:37 pm

Great Story.  If I can have a fraction of that success in the SPY system.  

Posted by ssaffer on 18th of Jan 2020 at 02:35 am

We started noting the spread

Posted by ssaffer on 17th of Jan 2020 at 06:24 pm

We started noting the spread between Smart Money and Dumb Money Confidence over a month ago. And yet it continues to remain stretched. Saying this is unusual is a major understatement. The 50-day average of the spread is nearing -60% for only the 2nd time ever. Even though it triggered as sentiment recovered out of the last two big bear markets, the Backtest Engine shows the S&P still declined over the next month both times. 

If there was any doubt about the persistence of buyers, then there shouldn’t be after the past few weeks. They’ve shrugged off worry after worry, and pressed stocks to yet more all-time highs. Even buyers sometimes fret that maybe things are getting out of hand. Nobody wants to feel like a fool for buying at the top, and when we see remarkable price action like this, it starts to worry even die-hard bulls. Remarkable it has been. For the first time in more than 20 years, the S&P 500 has moved so much, so fast, that it has closed above its upper Bollinger Band on a daily, weekly, and monthly time frame. Not even the biggest momentum moves of the past two decades can brag about that.

-Sentiment Trader 

No Doubt.   You cannot lose.  Just keep backing up the truck.  Just got back from my Companies NSM and every body had stock picking advice.  I have never experienced this in all 10 years I have been at these meetings.  So my take away is - they are all right and I must buy all stocks that are recommended, even ones that have negative earnings because one day they will make a profit.   


Posted by ssaffer on 11th of Jan 2020 at 02:56 pm



Posted by ssaffer on 11th of Jan 2020 at 02:56 pm


Commercial traders still have large short positions

MBOT breaking out of the 

Posted by ssaffer on 10th of Jan 2020 at 10:39 am

MBOT breaking out of the  wedge.

Not sure what to think of those tattoo's.  Not going to look too good when you are in your 70's (sagging Bull and Bear).  I used to live right near that big Bull statue down in Battery Park City right on the Hudson River.  It was a fun 4 years down there.  Never had the itch to tattoo the Bull tho. 

And that's a wrap.  

Posted by ssaffer on 9th of Jan 2020 at 04:07 pm

And that's a wrap.   Another $80 million put to work.   Look forward to seeing how much is going to be printed for tomorrows open.  I need to get into the ink business. 

eye opening.  You kind of new it always existed but the article maps out all the players and the specific relationships.  

I love how it says "might need until April".  My question why do they need to provide massive amounts of liquidity in the repo markets?  And why April?  Something smells really bad.   

The jaws of death as

$SPX ES - Update... 

Posted by ssaffer on 9th of Jan 2020 at 12:19 pm

The jaws of death as they call it.  My feeling is people are caught off guard and get some hard selling beg of next week, shake out weak hands and Bears come out and short the market hard thinking this "is it" but then another  then one more blast up to fry all short positions (I like the first chart scenario).  Now as we always know - Price is key.    

Where do you get the $80 Billion data from?  That is just nuts.  The fed is creating a ferocious bubble and fostering recklessness -that will end badly as they all do.  "Jango".   

I have been accumulating short positions in SPY and RUT yesterday and this am.  The Dumb money is all in.  Mutual funds are at 2% cash levels (lowest since 1999). 

The fact that nothing blew up is why they are up.  Another morning jam job.   


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