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Good work sir.  

how the SPY trade is currently looking

Posted by ssaffer on 28th of Jan 2020 at 12:36 pm

Good work sir.  

In order to truly contain the virus, you would have to find everyone that has the virus and contain them.  Millions of people were not contained because of the Chinese new year, the majority of the population from Wuhan (where they are saying the outbreak started at this point) were already gone before the government put a lock down on citizens of that town.   They are under reporting the cases and we see that now.   

Time to gut that pig.  Puts on Monday  . Thanks for posting the chart. 

Being an epidemiologist, the country has no clue the enormity of this and the rest of the world.  

No bueno

Posted by ssaffer on 24th of Jan 2020 at 06:13 pm

No bueno

Mom and Pop did better than most Hedge Funds in 2019.   Going short this market has provided a lot of pain unless you are trading a 5 min chart (most people aren't).  Monthly, Weekly and Daily trends are still strong.   This morning -I had a nice profit this am only to see it erode and get stopped out later in the day to a net zero gain (painful).  Thankfully commissions are zero but more waste of my time = loss of money in the end.  Best plan for me is to stay long this market and trail up stops.  IF you re-entered the market on or around 10/10/2019 and still riding this wave, you are trading with the trend (following The $BPSPX chart).  Trying to forecast is a huge waste of time and money ( just my two cents). 

The uptrend is still strong and showing no signs of deterioration yet.   Earnings  season will tell us more.

Powell is hard on the

Posted by ssaffer on 23rd of Jan 2020 at 01:23 pm

Powell is hard on the buy button now.  

Article CLICK HERE    Sounds contained

Posted by ssaffer on 22nd of Jan 2020 at 10:45 pm

Article CLICK HERE    Sounds contained to me.

Observing  a lot of out

Posted by ssaffer on 22nd of Jan 2020 at 09:16 pm

Observing  a lot of out of the money Feb Puts unusual volume at the close today.   Smart or Dumb money.  Time will tell. 

Funny you posted this.  Didn't the SP500 bottom at 666 back in 2009?  See how God does here. 

From Sentiment trader - yesterday

Posted by ssaffer on 22nd of Jan 2020 at 02:58 pm

From Sentiment trader - yesterday they reported that Call options are at the highest in 22 years.   The % of stocks above their 200 day MA is almost 70%.  Intermediate tops are usually formed near these levels.  Now I just wait for the Bow to take on some water.   Like fishing for the big trophy fish.  You have to have the right tide, wind and current set up.  Then you match the bait and set your drift so that you come into their structure where they are hiding. 

Low Beta Gold and Silver

Posted by ssaffer on 22nd of Jan 2020 at 02:28 pm

Low Beta Gold and Silver trusts (CEF and IAU).  These are good if you cannot stomach the highly leveraged ETF's that are 2x, 3x, etcc.. Good for building large positions. 

China has Corona virus contained.

Posted by ssaffer on 22nd of Jan 2020 at 10:17 am

China has Corona virus contained.   Just imagine what they can do for Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Ebola.  The future is bright - Stock market will never go down more than 5%, and no more viruses.  


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