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Makes sense.  I haven't fully

ES 60 min system

Posted by ssaffer on 4th of Feb 2020 at 03:22 pm

Makes sense.  I haven't fully automated yet.  

who needs sleep.  Thanks 

ES 60 min system

Posted by ssaffer on 4th of Feb 2020 at 03:14 pm

who needs sleep.  Thanks 

Hey Matt - will your

ES 60 min system

Posted by ssaffer on 4th of Feb 2020 at 10:59 am

Hey Matt - will your ES system be available to us in the near future?  

awesome!  Best way to empower young girls from creeps.

The only people who have

Wuhan Coronavirus vs Saras

Posted by ssaffer on 1st of Feb 2020 at 06:59 pm

The only people who have died from the coronavirus are in China.  And you are right - How old were the people that died, where they compromised?  The real issue is that it is easily transmitted and do not have to show symptoms to infect others ( like with the FLU).  The public needs to be educated so there is no "panic" on the streets if you will. 

John Maynard Keyenes  once wrote ""markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. ... that it willkeep goingup and up -- before unloading it on the greater fool".

Bond ETF's: TLT - up

Money is flowing into Bonds

Posted by ssaffer on 29th of Jan 2020 at 04:26 pm

Bond ETF's: TLT - up 5.67% YTD.  TMF - 17.14% YTD.   SP500 ETF's: SPY up %1.56% YTD.  SSO up $2.83% YTD.  

Had a sell signal on the 2hr before the close.  

A lot of medical manufacturing

Posted by ssaffer on 29th of Jan 2020 at 01:07 pm

A lot of medical manufacturing is in Hubei Province (Where Wuhan City is in).  This most likely will create supply chain issues.  Look for potential short set ups for Medical Goods companies (ie. 3M, CAH, OMI, MCK, etc..)

interesting how they didnt really address supply chain disruption in China.  Starbucks did and they are taking a small hit from it on todays earnings call.  The longer the virus sticks around China, supply chain disruptions.  We will see with tomorrows action. 

It is best to pinch

how the SPY trade is currently looking

Posted by ssaffer on 28th of Jan 2020 at 12:37 pm

It is best to pinch your nose and dive in carefully.  And trade the plan that is set up and re viewed on the newsletter. It works. 


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