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Agreed. I think one more ramp up just for kicks.  

You are dead wrong.  I have friends that live China and HK and it is really bad and much worse than reported.  In China they do not know what to do with all the dead bodies right now.  I have many friends who are Chinese born and MD's her in US and they are reporting to me that it is very bad. 

NG setting up for a buy too.  Like SBGL and NG today to take a position here. 

Posted by ssaffer on 13th of Feb 2020 at 11:37 am

Here is what no one


Posted by ssaffer on 13th of Feb 2020 at 12:00 am

Here is what no one is talking about. 90% of medical products (masks, gowns, gloves, gauze, band aids, etc..)  are made in China, and now we have a country that has a run away deadly virus, people are being quarantined and few are back in the factories working = no future supply of PPE equipment for the rest of the world.   This is the perfect storm when you have one supply chain for the world. 

right on. 

That damn virus keeps coming back.  I would take their number and times by 10.  

Thank you for the explanation.  

WORK - wonder why selling

Posted by ssaffer on 10th of Feb 2020 at 05:05 pm

WORK - wonder why selling off in after hours.  

Visa look like breaking out

Posted by ssaffer on 10th of Feb 2020 at 03:20 pm

Visa look like breaking out of a Wedge here. 

ES popped from the 15

Posted by ssaffer on 10th of Feb 2020 at 03:03 pm

ES popped from the 15 min.   New highs coming for the day.

Nice Work!!!

WORK is definitely working out :)

Posted by ssaffer on 10th of Feb 2020 at 11:44 am

Nice Work!!!

Started a  position in NUGT this am.  

Valentines day. 

FLWS nice move

Posted by ssaffer on 10th of Feb 2020 at 10:39 am

Valentines day. 

nice.  and PINS both gap

SRCL Updated View

Posted by ssaffer on 7th of Feb 2020 at 10:49 am

nice.  and PINS both gap ups.  I closed out the trade but happy with my tgts on these.  

What is alarming is that the mortality rate for Coronavirus is a lot higher than the Flu.  1/100 vs 1/1000 (Not 100% this totally accurate but in the ballpark). Most of us get the flu shot and have a quicker immune response to the flu.  We do not for this "new" virus" and that makes it that more dangerous.  

PAYC - Glad to have

Posted by ssaffer on 5th of Feb 2020 at 08:13 pm

PAYC - Glad to have sold my shares yesterday before earnings today.  Timber on earnings.  Always good to set your calendar reminder before earnings day (learned the hard way in the past and have gotten caught in the downdraft).


Posted by ssaffer on 4th of Feb 2020 at 11:56 pm


bought some 2/21 50.5 calls.  

Anyone like "LYFT" here?  looks

Posted by ssaffer on 4th of Feb 2020 at 03:27 pm

Anyone like "LYFT" here?  looks like nice white candle breaking out of consolidation.  Earnings 2/11.  


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