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We need a Trump tweet.  Like "We found a cure"  more cowbell!

The carnage.  I cannot remember

Posted by ssaffer on 25th of Feb 2020 at 02:37 pm

The carnage.  I cannot remember this much bleeding in two days in quite some time.  Need a transfusion soon.  

Penetrated intra day.  See where

SPX 120 min

Posted by ssaffer on 25th of Feb 2020 at 02:18 pm

Penetrated intra day.  See where it holds at the close.  

ES sell short 3260. Covered

Posted by ssaffer on 24th of Feb 2020 at 10:17 pm

ES sell short 3260. Covered at 3246.  Look for long entry for tomorrow am.  Hoping retest the lows so we  can get more inertia.

Monetary Policy nightmare.  Powell lost one paddle.  

Thanks for the great charts.  

LOL.   Just have to wear your designer PPE wear.  

I prefer my BMW GS adventure bike as my mode of transport.  No one is coughing on me and stuck in a container.  

Airlines too.  Who is going to want to fly international until they get this virus under control.  Incubators.

Do they have their union cards?  

Sell ES on the  5

Posted by ssaffer on 24th of Feb 2020 at 10:40 am

Sell ES on the  5 min. 

VXRT - Small cap Biotech

Posted by ssaffer on 24th of Feb 2020 at 10:38 am

VXRT - Small cap Biotech - seems to getting a push from virus. Could jump soon.  

This morning was tremendous.  Closed

Posted by ssaffer on 24th of Feb 2020 at 10:34 am

This morning was tremendous.  Closed PUTS on: HD, KSS, SPY, V, TSCO, FB, ORCL and INTU at the open.   Didn't want to get greedy.  Now enjoy the remainder of the day.   

Should see a great tradable bottom beg of March.  

ASHR - bought puts on

Posted by ssaffer on 24th of Feb 2020 at 10:29 am

ASHR - bought puts on this friday.  Chinese Agriculture etf.  

ZYXI - small cap biotech

Posted by ssaffer on 24th of Feb 2020 at 10:27 am

ZYXI - small cap biotech that has some antivirals in pipeline.  Popping today from Virus.  

The long term problem is

APT Updated View

Posted by ssaffer on 24th of Feb 2020 at 10:24 am

The long term problem is supply chain is in China.  Chinese Gov't is taking all the masks for their people (which is understandable during this time).  No more inventory.  Great momentum play on the virus tho.   I a m riding the wave until it ends too. 

Bought 3/30 5.10 Puts SPY

Posted by ssaffer on 24th of Feb 2020 at 10:03 am

Bought 3/30 5.10 Puts SPY  Friday at close.  Covered at 10.25.  Call it a day.  

Who's ready to trade today? This type of environment is a day traders dream.

closed@3295.  Time for bed.  


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