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NDLS.  Noodle company.  Look at

Posted by ssaffer on 5th of Mar 2020 at 10:11 am

NDLS.  Noodle company.  Look at CPB (Campbell's soup).   Demand in this environment. 

Blue apron (APRN). My thoughts

Posted by ssaffer on 5th of Mar 2020 at 10:07 am

Blue apron (APRN). My thoughts a couple of days ago that a company like this should do well in this environment.  Opened a position on Monday.  


Posted by ssaffer on 4th of Mar 2020 at 08:36 pm


APT - pullback  looks interesting.  

Posted by ssaffer on 4th of Mar 2020 at 07:37 pm

APT - pullback  looks interesting.  

nice work

Airlines oversold in historic manner.

Posted by ssaffer on 4th of Mar 2020 at 04:14 pm

Airlines oversold in historic manner.  Bought May 15 calls atm on AUL and LUV.  They have been left for dead. 

Pretty much staying around 3031.   Pretty quite.

This is my trading plan

Posted by ssaffer on 3rd of Mar 2020 at 11:57 pm

This is my trading plan for tomorrow (day trade).  I am working with the $ES 120m chart.   If the market fades the open and we test yesterdays lows and bounce, then my bias is to the long side and if we breakdown past yesterdays low and no bounce, then my bias is to sell short.   If the market gaps up and keeps going then i am not chasing the gap up, but will let my SPY option trades play out.  

Looking at my wave analysis.

Posted by ssaffer on 3rd of Mar 2020 at 07:39 pm

Looking at my wave analysis.  We could see a B(5) up tomorrow, my tgt range is 3050-3100 SPY.  See how that plays out.  If it stalls there and reverses below (2973.0)  3/6, then could retest the lows for  C(5).  Then if that happens, we might be able to clear out all the sellers and have a nice trade-able bottom say by 3/9.  That's just my personal forecast.  As always I will look at price action first and foremost.  

INO@$9.10 after hours.   

Posted by ssaffer on 3rd of Mar 2020 at 07:23 pm

INO@$9.10 after hours.   

CRSP.  Another biotech company that

Posted by ssaffer on 3rd of Mar 2020 at 07:20 pm

CRSP.  Another biotech company that is the business of manufacturing DNA testing.  This could pop too.   My Biotech/Coronavirus portfolio is up 25% since last week.  There are some good pops here.  Pure momentum but it has legs. 

Here is a little nugget.

Posted by ssaffer on 3rd of Mar 2020 at 07:17 pm

Here is a little nugget.  DHR (Danaher) is a behemoth Biotech company.  In 2018 they acquired a company called 'Integrated DNA technologies".  Why is this important?  This is the company that has been recently approved by the government to manufacture the test for Coronavirus.    The stock has been hammered with the rest of the market so I am not sure this news has been factored in yet.  But I would keep it on your radar.  

Vaccine ready soon for human


Posted by ssaffer on 3rd of Mar 2020 at 04:55 pm

Vaccine ready soon for human trials.  In at $7.0.  Only thing that is holding up my portfolio right now.  I picked 4 companies that have vaccine in pipeline and now one hit.  NVAX, INO, MDRNA and GILD.


Posted by ssaffer on 3rd of Mar 2020 at 04:04 pm


i just refinanced last month,

TNX Updated Views

Posted by ssaffer on 3rd of Mar 2020 at 02:29 pm

i just refinanced last month, dang it!  That is cray cray.  Free money.  

SPY - Criteria for a

Posted by ssaffer on 3rd of Mar 2020 at 01:48 pm

SPY - Criteria for a buy signal.  I use the these 3 criteria, all have to be met for a long entry. 1. Close above the 5 day MA, RSI neg then moves into pos territory and last is the ATR starts to fall.  I have circled them all on todays SPY Daily chart.  The ATR has yet to crest and start to decline, and the 5 day MA is struggle here and so far below.  So really only one criteria has been met ( RSI).   This is what I use as my guide for longer term entries.  I use the SPY system for a smaller portion of my portfolio for quick trades.  

Catching a bid!

Posted by ssaffer on 1st of Mar 2020 at 08:41 pm

Catching a bid!

Matt - thanks for reply.  I am always trying to learn, stay humble and what tools works best in different markets.  

Matt and Steve - I

Posted by ssaffer on 1st of Mar 2020 at 04:01 pm

Matt and Steve - I know their have been some discussion on putting the 120min into play on the Trading system.   Reviewing todays newsletter and seeing how the BPT deluxe on it gave a great exit before the waterfall and seems to me with such high volatility The one I would like to trade more often.  I know you post it every evening on your newsletter but to be honest I dont always have time to review and go more with your end of the day trades that are announced to us via email and text if you are signed up for that service.  If you could put the 120min into that email/text during market hours would be awesome.  Thanks!  


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