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XOM  May 15 $50 calls@3.20.

Posted by ssaffer on 6th of Mar 2020 at 12:53 pm

XOM  May 15 $50 calls@3.20.

Just bought TBT May 15th

TLT Daily View Updated

Posted by ssaffer on 6th of Mar 2020 at 10:21 am

Just bought TBT May 15th calls Atm.  

You Welcome.  

LUV and UAL May Calls

Posted by ssaffer on 6th of Mar 2020 at 10:05 am

LUV and UAL May Calls lifting this am.   Go Airlines!  They have taken a 60% haircut.  Price dislocation.  

INO@$12.42.  Time to close it

Posted by ssaffer on 6th of Mar 2020 at 10:03 am

INO@$12.42.  Time to close it out.  

This is a global transfer of wealth.   More debt does not make for a healthy economy, only the elite benefit from an extremely low rate environment.  Drastically reduces buying power for the middle to the lower class.   

My feeling is it consolidates in the triangle until the End of April/ beg of My when the Fed cuts rates again, then it will blast up.  Accumulating shares near the bottom of the triangle is a good play.  

This is just my personal

Posted by ssaffer on 5th of Mar 2020 at 09:43 pm

This is just my personal opinion, but I would buy GILD (Gilead) on pullbacks.  This stock is going to be the winner with the Coronavirus.  Only Company that is in phase 3.   I have attached the Monthly chart  ( a cup and handle break out),  This is more of a long term play for me.   I have been accumulating shares around the $70-73 rang for the past two weeks as well as call options. 

Good things is that flights

Posted by ssaffer on 5th of Mar 2020 at 05:49 pm

Good things is that flights to Seattle American Airlines are dirt cheap.  $140 round trip summer months.   Price dislocations = great bargains. 

Nice.  Twinkies might be the magic elixir.  Make sure you wash it down with Mountain Dew.  

WOW.  That would be a royal flush.   


Prevnar = Pfizer     Pneumovax 23 = Merck

Posted by ssaffer on 5th of Mar 2020 at 03:17 pm


I guess we should buy

Posted by ssaffer on 5th of Mar 2020 at 03:13 pm

I guess we should buy GSK stock now.  Chart looks like forming a base off the bottom. 

Thats it.  I think it

Posted by ssaffer on 5th of Mar 2020 at 03:11 pm

Thats it.  I think it is made by GSK.  

Agreed.  People die from pneumonia,

Posted by ssaffer on 5th of Mar 2020 at 02:49 pm

Agreed.  People die from pneumonia, complications caused by the FLU and Coronavirus.    I am not virologist but I have been working in healthcare for over 30 years and I always get a pneumonia vaccine and not the FLU shot.  An old time MD that was pretty damn smart who was my MD growing up put me onto that.  

Why waste your bullets?  I

Posted by ssaffer on 5th of Mar 2020 at 02:17 pm

Why waste your bullets?  I think the Fed could have been much more productive behind the scenes than trying to create a short covering rally.  Take the Billions being floating into the repo market and give half to Biotech companies, Preventive protection companies and lab diagnostic companies to be able to accurately test and diagnose people at the local level.   We live a world of "panic" and common sense it thrown out with the baby.   CA governor declares a "state of emergency".  What for?  you have a dozen or so cases, why panic people even more?  Have a contingency plan, educate people, calm the public not create even more hysteria.  It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.   How many kids die of cancer a year, How many die of FLU?  How many die of opoids overdose?     Educate the public on how to take care of them self if sick or family member,  make sure people can get water, toilet paper, soap, basic needs, not just pull the fire alarm and run.   

Steve - I am with

Posted by ssaffer on 5th of Mar 2020 at 01:46 pm

Steve - I am with you on that chart.   I have been layering shorts on today's bounces.   Rate cuts do not cure the Coronavirus.   They are forecasting that this can cause a 2% hit on GDP  at the minimum and 5% globally.    

On this am gap down.  I added one more contract.  Just slowly building positions 

I am.  I have LUV and UAL.  I like the May 15 calls atm. 

With my wave count, I see a push up into the close at least off the lows from this morning. Then tomorrow another push down to finish wave III (C).  Thing I am looking for is a drop in the ATR on the SP500. Even with yesterdays ramp it didnt capitulate. 


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