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What a great idea!!!    Easy access  and less stress for Matt   and subscribers  ..Still wish we had XLE charts and GDX charts like we do on the SPY.  maybe one day ??

Thanks !! for the info


Posted by najor on 1st of Dec 2020 at 07:04 pm

Thanks !! for the info wish the 120 minute and daily could be posted daily  on the XLE  and maybe gold .  Thanks again


Posted by najor on 13th of Sep 2020 at 09:20 pm

TRADING WITH THE TREND:     I've noticed  that if you trade  the SPY system  in the same direction as the KISS system  it will result  in  greater than 50%  more profit than show  on the chart with less than 50% of the trades executed  for the SPY system.    You may have missed some winners but you sure missed a lot of big losers.  Bottom line trade with the trend you may have to wait a few days for the KISS to get in sync with your SPY trade but it is well worth it after 18months of trading the SPY trades.   Just an observation. maybe results will change ?  The KISS system is very impressive .                                                                         

Concerning Daily BPT deluxe indicator:

Posted by najor on 5th of May 2019 at 06:12 pm

Concerning Daily BPT deluxe indicator:  Thanks for posting both the BPT  MA deluxe Test indicator  and the BPT MA deluxe indicator together on the   charts on the same page It is a valuable indicator for my analysis in market timing.   I  am glad you post this info daily in your market analysis.  It would be helpful if you also included  this in the  " system section" with the paint dry system.  Thanks again Jerry

Posted by najor on 14th of Oct 2018 at 02:18 pm

how much did that cost

Selling Premium example

Posted by najor on 3rd of Apr 2018 at 07:46 pm

how much did that cost to enter the position


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