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Posted by morton13 on 15th of Apr 2014 at 09:56 am

daily, breaking out another energy play.  CVXas well.

nice call!

Gold Futures 60 Minute View

Posted by morton13 on 15th of Apr 2014 at 08:59 am


Posted by morton13 on 14th of Apr 2014 at 10:14 am

daily, still holding up well.


Posted by morton13 on 14th of Apr 2014 at 09:59 am

daily, watching for a breakout.


Posted by morton13 on 12th of Apr 2014 at 10:43 am

daily, h&s top, missed shorting but on the radar...will wait for a bounce to short


Posted by morton13 on 11th of Apr 2014 at 03:48 pm

daily, no love for CBST


Posted by morton13 on 11th of Apr 2014 at 01:35 pm

daily, h&s target was met but will probably go lower because of the gap down today.


Posted by morton13 on 11th of Apr 2014 at 11:09 am

daily, broke down yesterday and significant today.


Posted by morton13 on 10th of Apr 2014 at 03:37 pm

daily, another bear flag drop.


Posted by morton13 on 10th of Apr 2014 at 03:28 pm

daily, getting thumped...

would love to see a bounce here on the 60 min

$SPX 1828

Posted by morton13 on 10th of Apr 2014 at 03:27 pm


Posted by morton13 on 10th of Apr 2014 at 03:04 pm

daily, regional banks getting hit as well, higher interest rates not in the cards...

daily, gap just below to fill maybe bounces there.


Posted by morton13 on 10th of Apr 2014 at 10:28 am

daily, another breakdown out of a bear flag....


Posted by morton13 on 10th of Apr 2014 at 08:48 am

daily, held up very well in the recent downturn.


Posted by morton13 on 10th of Apr 2014 at 08:38 am

daily, broke out yesterday.


Posted by morton13 on 10th of Apr 2014 at 08:36 am

daily, nice ups yesterday!


Posted by morton13 on 8th of Apr 2014 at 11:16 am

nice chart, looks like it could run to the 53-54 area.


Posted by morton13 on 8th of Apr 2014 at 10:33 am

daily, accelerating down.


Posted by morton13 on 8th of Apr 2014 at 09:44 am

daily, bouncing off the 9 day ema.


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