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closing my shorts

Posted by moh007ed on 4th of Feb 2010 at 12:36 pm

I am not at all bullish over all but Just a thought with this move down , $nymo will make a higher low, the 10 ma on $nymo will be in the oversold area, $vix is making lower high. Rsi is diverging on daily . I am dumping my shorts Let see how the volume is compared to the last time we were here. If I am wrong would not be the first time. Good luck everyone .

P.S. Thanks for all you folks’ great inputs.

Title: Good job & Thanks Thanks

SPX 5 min with Fibs

Posted by moh007ed on 27th of Nov 2009 at 10:39 am
Title: Good job & Thanks

Title: matt / steve any

Posted by moh007ed on 24th of Nov 2009 at 10:21 am
Title: matt / steve any luck with the regular chart links.

matt and steve

Posted by moh007ed on 24th of Nov 2009 at 09:53 am

30 & 5 minut links and others.

Posted by moh007ed on 24th of Nov 2009 at 09:50 am
Title: 30 & 5 minut links

$namo & Nasi

Posted by moh007ed on 17th of Nov 2009 at 10:32 am

It is kind of confusing that we are up almost two weeks and $compq is at highs but $naad is not and $nasi  and $nysi both ( Not accumulative) are  acting the same way as they did in October Rally !!! what do you guys  think is going on?? Any input will be very helpful .

daily timing

Daily Timing

Posted by moh007ed on 11th of Nov 2009 at 12:50 pm

Steve what is the support for IWM . Nove. 16-19 are they cycle dates. and how did you get hold of them ?


time for a bouce

Posted by moh007ed on 27th of Oct 2009 at 05:28 pm
Title: time for a bouce


Cats, German Shepherds, and DWX and IWM

Posted by moh007ed on 21st of Oct 2009 at 12:51 pm

Thanks for the posting . Do not get  61.80 on IWM. Please explain .



Hi Steve :

                we have been up close to 240 days . How is this reflected on this chart.?


S&P 60 Minut 233 cci

Posted by moh007ed on 7th of Oct 2009 at 06:47 am

Any idea why aroon jumpet to 85 today . Like in Jun 24th , as the market went up until july 1st ?

McClellan Oscill

Posted by moh007ed on 4th of Oct 2009 at 02:14 pm

How do you import charts from stockcharts to the trading community ? I am trying to get your opinion on McClellan Oscill. reading at this present time.

Sincerely Mohammed maboudi

McClellan Oscillator

Posted by moh007ed on 4th of Oct 2009 at 01:08 pm
Title: Mohammed


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