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MMM Weekly ...  forgot to


Posted by mla127 on 4th of May 2018 at 10:12 am

MMM Weekly ...  forgot to add it ....  


Posted by mla127 on 4th of May 2018 at 09:18 am



Posted by mla127 on 26th of Apr 2018 at 12:32 pm




Posted by mla127 on 26th of Apr 2018 at 11:28 am


Posted by mla127 on 26th of Apr 2018 at 11:26 am 


Posted by mla127 on 26th of Apr 2018 at 11:25 am


GE ... bounced right on

GE Daily - Making a come back.

Posted by mla127 on 26th of Apr 2018 at 10:16 am

GE ... bounced right on support ....  stops slightly bellow 13.90ish 


Posted by mla127 on 26th of Apr 2018 at 10:15 am


ALGT ...  Up on good earnings ...  sometimes there's a god for the lunatics out there ... lol ... I was long a good size position ... and somehow I had the wrong earning dates written down  ... so I went all commando into earnings    ....  glad it turned out Ok .... I usually keep track of this more than my own family's birth dates ... lol ...  

GE ... earning gap filled

GE Daily - Making a come back.

Posted by mla127 on 25th of Apr 2018 at 01:35 pm

GE ... earning gap filled ....  finding support on the MA's and previous horizontal resistance now support ... 

Wheel is in motion ... 

KBH ...  

Posted by mla127 on 25th of Apr 2018 at 10:02 am

Wheel is in motion ... 

I have a "Fazzy" feeling

Posted by mla127 on 22nd of Apr 2018 at 01:09 pm

I have a "Fazzy" feeling about this one .... 

 ...  and I thought it

SPX and gap

Posted by mla127 on 20th of Apr 2018 at 03:23 pm

 ...  and I thought it was a PG13 site .....  i'll go read the fine prints again ....     


Posted by mla127 on 20th of Apr 2018 at 01:42 pm


KBH ...  

Posted by mla127 on 20th of Apr 2018 at 01:41 pm

KBH ...  

ALGT ... fly....  even if it's with old birds ....  lol ... 

SKX ... annnnndddd this is

Posted by mla127 on 20th of Apr 2018 at 11:22 am

SKX ... annnnndddd this is why I never hold onto earnings ... unless I have good 15-20% buffer heading into it .... 

SPOT 60m - Report 05/02

Posted by mla127 on 20th of Apr 2018 at 10:35 am

SPOT 60m - Report 05/02 AFTER the close

FB - Report  04/25 AFTER

Posted by mla127 on 20th of Apr 2018 at 10:25 am

FB - Report  04/25 AFTER the close


Posted by mla127 on 20th of Apr 2018 at 10:03 am



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