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SFIX - Update ...  


Posted by mla127 on 16th of Oct 2018 at 01:19 pm

SFIX - Update ...  

ELAN - New Issue 

Posted by mla127 on 16th of Oct 2018 at 12:33 pm

ELAN - New Issue 

UPWK - Update

UPWK - New issue 

Posted by mla127 on 16th of Oct 2018 at 11:49 am

UPWK - Update Hourly 

Full B/O retracement .... the next day .... wow.... 

All we need is Roubini

Quick Note

Posted by mla127 on 16th of Oct 2018 at 09:58 am

All we need is Roubini to chip in with Gartman and the whole weed trade is over for awhile ..... 

Sold is an understatement ...

Quick Note

Posted by mla127 on 16th of Oct 2018 at 09:53 am

Sold is an understatement ...  lol ... I thought my stop had enough wiggle room .... got taken out within minutes after the open .... / 


Posted by mla127 on 16th of Oct 2018 at 01:28 am

ULTA  the  Canadian GDX ...

Posted by mla127 on 16th of Oct 2018 at 01:01 am  the  Canadian GDX ... ;)   Might play the pullback with (2x) 

Canadian Financials .... update ...Played out perfectly ...  I didn't shorted it .... but this could have been done with or Short (Both very thinly traded ETF, which is why I didn't took the trade)  ... didn't trade that

Posted by mla127 on 15th of Oct 2018 at 05:22 pm  ... didn't trade that pot ETF but that was a nice B/O today ... ... my entry wasn't as good on this one since I didn't caught the support, but the B/O has been perfect ...    Canada's biggest natural resource  seems like these days ... / CGC ...  always nice when you get a perfect entry on something right at support and you catch a runner ....     was playing 

SPY/QQQ/IWM ... There's not much to be bullish here so far ....  all got rejected at the 13ema on the 120m chart....    

TSX-60 ...  Except pot stock ... there isn't much interesting here to see ...   especially not Canadian Energy  stocks with the crazy Western canadian Select discount seen recently against WTI ...    Maybe we should sell cannabis blend with crude oil .... ?  

at least not lag like today ....  

SPY DOWN .56% / Q's

Posted by mla127 on 15th of Oct 2018 at 04:18 pm

SPY DOWN .56% / Q's Down  1.21%  ... BUT IWM up .37% ... something to take note of ....  even though they are lagging a lot overhaul and led the charge lower ...  we want to them to lead a possible bounce if there's one coming ... 

SFM ... I like it ... nice pullback on the 1st fib and rising 50MA ... ... yep! Another pot

Posted by mla127 on 15th of Oct 2018 at 01:15 pm ... yep! Another pot stock ... 


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