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what a gong show ... the Algos has been captive and sleepwalking to the tunes of BS Tweets, garbage headlines, etc...   what a joke!  ....  

S&P Down 4 pts ....

Posted by mla127 on 20th of Nov 2019 at 09:56 am

S&P Down 4 pts ....  that's a dip of a lifetime base on today's standards  .... buy     

YUM ... could go either

Posted by mla127 on 19th of Nov 2019 at 03:12 pm

YUM ... could go either way ... watching for now 


Posted by mla127 on 12th of Nov 2019 at 11:01 am


AMTD .... if you are still long, probably a great spot to tighten up stop or get out .... what a run !   Getting pretty much to it's  full 61.8% fib retracement and it's 50ma 

SHOP ...   

The rising 200dma was right there ...  i'm not surprised it bounced   ... I'm still short ...  

XLF ... 

WM ... back at resistance


Posted by mla127 on 8th of Nov 2019 at 10:01 am

WM ... back at resistance ...  I was shorting it too close to the rising 200dma, not enough room bellow when it broke down  ...  we'll see where that goes from here ...  

LMT ... at a major


Posted by mla127 on 8th of Nov 2019 at 09:57 am

LMT ... at a major "intersection" here ...  

AKAM ... I would say first target reached ....   maybe this will get down to the 200dma .... we'll see ... 

SHOP ...  this could also bounce from here ... i'm still short, but I'm also on the lookout for a possible bounce ... sometimes when it's too obvious you have to be suspicious ... ;) 

ROKU got clobbered on earnings... 

Posted by mla127 on 7th of Nov 2019 at 09:33 am

ROKU got clobbered on earnings...  down almost 17% right now 

what else is new ....  

SONO .... well, that didn't


Posted by mla127 on 6th of Nov 2019 at 04:27 pm

SONO .... well, that didn't turned out as planned ...  got out above the 50ma ... that pattern was probably more bullish anyway, but the fact that it was ""stuck"" under it's 50dma I took it as a short ...  didn't bother to reverse my position either ...   

CBRL ... my 2 cents


Posted by mla127 on 5th of Nov 2019 at 01:12 pm

CBRL ... my 2 cents ...   if we remove that big mid-September gap, it's kinda stuck under a downtrend line and it's 50dma... the area around the 50dma has been proven to be a though nut to crack for this one ...   and it's been hovering around it's 200dma as well for about 2 months now ... personally if I would be playing this, I would like to see a break in trend ... it's a bit in "no mans land" for me right now ....  


Posted by mla127 on 5th of Nov 2019 at 12:23 pm


ENB ( 

Posted by mla127 on 5th of Nov 2019 at 12:06 pm

ENB ( 

AKAM - Earnings out of

Posted by mla127 on 5th of Nov 2019 at 11:14 am

AKAM - Earnings out of the way ... now it's back testing ...  looks lower from here 

WM ... 


Posted by mla127 on 5th of Nov 2019 at 10:40 am

WM ... 


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