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Matt, That makes QQQ target

TQQQ follow up

Posted by mdgfain on 30th of Nov 2022 at 03:56 pm

Matt, That makes QQQ target about 313?  Are you holding overnight?

Thanks, Matt. I needed a

TQQQ follow up

Posted by mdgfain on 30th of Nov 2022 at 03:46 pm

Thanks, Matt. I needed a target. 

Thanks!  I can’t figure the target for the QQQ, or next gap up. Can you help, fundamentalvalues?

Thanks, Matt!  Between you and

SPX comments

Posted by mdgfain on 30th of Nov 2022 at 03:27 pm

Thanks, Matt!  Between you and Steve, you are filling my wallet  today!

Thanks, Steve!

Traders Post

Posted by mdgfain on 30th of Nov 2022 at 02:03 pm

Thanks, Steve!

Big picture, may have a

Posted by mdgfain on 30th of Nov 2022 at 11:47 am

Big picture, may have a little more upside, but very close to downtrend line. 

ADM finally ready to launch

Posted by mdgfain on 15th of Nov 2022 at 01:49 pm

ADM finally ready to launch or more drift down?

Preach it, Brother!  Wise words!  I really appreciate your commentary, fundamentalvalues!

Good words, Matt. I have

heading out, won't be here today

Posted by mdgfain on 11th of Nov 2022 at 09:20 am

Good words, Matt. I have been through the whole roller coaster. “The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat” this year. Consider me humbled!

I didn’t follow your drift and should have asked earlier. Were you implying that the MACD had recycled and would likely move up again tomorrow, or were you just trying to wring the last couple of points out of the day trade?  I think I may have misunderstood. Thanks. 

Thank you, Steve!  SQQQ starting to look more attractive. It’s down 17% today!

I am trying to remember

Posted by mdgfain on 10th of Nov 2022 at 09:50 am

I am trying to remember the discussion about the relation between inflation, peaking, and stocks recovery beginning.  Could someone refresh my feeble brain?  

In my line of work,

Turmoil in Farmville ... 

Posted by mdgfain on 8th of Nov 2022 at 03:50 pm

In my line of work, FTT means Failure to Thrive!  Looks appropriate!

Thanks, jared95!  Looks like Resistance to me!  

Nasdaq 100 Equal Weight 3rd

Posted by mdgfain on 2nd of Nov 2022 at 05:41 pm

Nasdaq 100 Equal Weight 3rd Touch. 

You’re the 💣,  Matt (

SPY and ES systems update

Posted by mdgfain on 27th of Oct 2022 at 04:24 pm

You’re the 💣,  Matt ( and Steve)!  Thanks for all your hard work on our behalf!

Thanks, Steve. One of these years, I may start seeing these patterns ion my own!

Yeah, he played on some of their best songs.l, like Get Back, Don’t let Me Down (both appropriate today!), and Something. we’re sliding down the 9.

Posted by mdgfain on 27th of Oct 2022 at 12:58 pm

we’re sliding down the 9. Have a little fun with me, OK?

I said move over once, move over twice
Come on baby don't be cold as ice. I said we're trav'ling on the one after 9 l-0, I said we're trav'ling on the one after 9-0, I said we're trav'ling on the one after 9-0h-9.


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