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thanks, nice chart, playing intraday

$RUT 60-MIN update

Posted by hazbin1 on 15th of Sep 2010 at 02:37 pm

thanks, nice chart, playing intraday (shorter term charts), waiting for trigger to establish core position


Posted by hazbin1 on 13th of Sep 2010 at 06:45 pm

speaking of 'contrived' markets. that run up on volc was rather timely with their decision to sell $100 million of convert. bonds. effective registration today. already getting smacked overnight, more to come in the am (imho).


Posted by hazbin1 on 10th of Sep 2010 at 12:31 pm

looks pretty beat up, any thoughts out there?

i agree, booked tza profit,

Remember what Matt said....

Posted by hazbin1 on 3rd of Sep 2010 at 12:08 pm

i agree, booked tza profit, keeping screens on to avoid the honey do list, rather go out for lunch. rather wait for tuesday and volume.

nice timing on tza, my


Posted by hazbin1 on 3rd of Sep 2010 at 10:17 am

nice timing on tza, my signal came @ 31.25, took it.

most people watch headline numbers

spx 5min triangle

Posted by hazbin1 on 2nd of Sep 2010 at 03:02 pm

most people watch headline numbers (makes the mkt move), everyone else feels the pain of the U16 numbers showing ~20% unemployment

thanks BPT, makes that tab

New Feature added to the blog

Posted by hazbin1 on 2nd of Sep 2010 at 10:21 am

thanks BPT, makes that tab easier to use, now if u could just highlight the ones with higher prob. of being winners...

appreciate these dynamic updates, took your advice $ off the table +7% on GDX system (delayed entry) no complaints, paid for a few more years of BPT

first GDP prints, then he

Bernanke- Jackson Hole

Posted by hazbin1 on 26th of Aug 2010 at 11:17 am

first GDP prints, then he speaks... nice timing

as does T-Theory.  McClellan gives

Turn date...

Posted by hazbin1 on 26th of Aug 2010 at 07:37 am

as does T-Theory.  McClellan gives it another coupla of days, but by Month-end the latest

imho, expect to see 10yr


Posted by hazbin1 on 24th of Aug 2010 at 09:39 am

imho, expect to see 10yr rates below 2% before rising above 3%

interestingly per what I've been

GDX comments

Posted by hazbin1 on 23rd of Aug 2010 at 03:11 pm

interestingly per what I've been reading, historically best month of year for gold stocks (sept.) best performing asset class after confirmed 'Omen', gold. thus expecting GDX system to keep us on right side of mkt.


Posted by hazbin1 on 23rd of Aug 2010 at 09:35 am

Matt, Steve, please post a link to Rut 15 and 30 min. thanks

any chance of adding these

RUT Views

Posted by hazbin1 on 20th of Aug 2010 at 10:44 am

any chance of adding these to the stick post above?



Posted by hazbin1 on 19th of Aug 2010 at 09:58 am


Saturn's link was pulled, it


Posted by hazbin1 on 19th of Aug 2010 at 09:47 am

Saturn's link was pulled, it was fictional nonsense

proof is in the family

Posted by hazbin1 on 19th of Aug 2010 at 09:46 am

proof is in the family who died in WW2. obviously you only have the  fictional 'proof' which you have read on the internet, revisionist history. other than that, you have no proof. as an american you have the luxury to believe any fiction you want. i have reality. in your world Iran is the oppressed and the US is the oppressor. you have no clue, you have no 'blood' in any of this. I think many of us will just skip over the diminished value of your postings on this site... how sad. you had promise....

 just keep in mind that

Posted by hazbin1 on 19th of Aug 2010 at 09:31 am

 just keep in mind that you have diminshed the value of your mkt 'insights' by posting that material on this site. an appology would be in order.

rather offensive to those of

Posted by hazbin1 on 19th of Aug 2010 at 09:11 am

rather offensive to those of us whose families were wiped out during the holocaust by the Nazis (or with family members who survived their stay in a camp). this writer of fiction (and he has a lot - try googling) died in 1/10. he won't be mourned.  thanks in advance for not posting this stuff again and for understanding the sacrifices of the families of those of us who are active members of this site.

strongly recommend you open a demo account with the broker you will be dealing with (to see if RUT mini's work for you). RUT mini's trade real fast. been there done that. you should be practicing trades with those for quite some time with constant positive performance before you go live


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