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Matt, chart and discussion was

1937 analogy...

Posted by hazbin1 on 5th of Oct 2010 at 08:58 am

Matt, chart and discussion was in the 10/4 WSJ opinion page A25

rather tricky chart, it is

1937 analogy...

Posted by hazbin1 on 4th of Oct 2010 at 09:45 pm

rather tricky chart, it is not correlated by absolute price, but by percentage price change from a specified date. difficult to replicate. picture might be deceiving, without data can't run true correlation co-efficient.

Matt, could you post the links for the 'new' Rut 5, 15 and 30 min charts. thnx

nice call, silly me thought

HOGS just broke out

Posted by hazbin1 on 1st of Oct 2010 at 04:03 pm

nice call, silly me thought it was too late in the day to hop on Cry

quick research, early sept. stock


Posted by hazbin1 on 1st of Oct 2010 at 01:18 pm

quick research, early sept. stock drop appears to have been during time private placement shares converted to CS ~$8 per share. same time as company locked in some long term contract for raw material. monday earnings c/be interesting catalyst.


Indices...Had the 'POP'...Now the 'DROP'?

Posted by hazbin1 on 30th of Sep 2010 at 10:22 am


yup, great idea, that open using the watch list breakouts was way too much fun. thanx

Matt, I for 1 am ready for the spy system, I much rather have my computer do the trading than me. Cool 

TA by definition can't factor in QE let alone QE2. which in itself is a put on all risk assets curtesy of the FED


Posted by hazbin1 on 28th of Sep 2010 at 10:07 am

on trade ideas, goldman downgraded to sell this am


Posted by hazbin1 on 28th of Sep 2010 at 08:54 am

on trade ideas from last nite, looks like gap open above trigger point. thoughts on how to handle?  Matt?

imho, bottom line summary of


Posted by hazbin1 on 27th of Sep 2010 at 03:42 pm

imho, bottom line summary of what he said: the sky is about to fall, best investments, cash under the mattress and  canned goods. Cool

it's sponsored by CNBC, there won't be any 'hard' questions, remember who runs the parent company.

been following his T-theory for years, very interesting work, quirky on the weekly audio commentary though, be forewarned

yup, took my point (2

Did the gapless PSAR

Posted by hazbin1 on 17th of Sep 2010 at 10:29 am

yup, took my point (2 early) to the bank. watching, just like a day trader is 'supposed' to do.

thanks, nice timing, lined up with my work to give a tza buy @ 29.45

Food for the Bears among us

Posted by hazbin1 on 17th of Sep 2010 at 09:29 am

from Sentiment trader:

The last 7 times the S&P futures gapped up at least +0.25% on September expiration, it was negative through Monday's close.  Forgetting about September for a minute, if the futures gapped up that amount to a one-month high on any expiration morning, they were negative through Monday the last 11 times.  From the close of September expiration through Monday's close, the futures were positive only 4 out of 20 times since 1990, and 5 out of 20 times through Wednesday's close. 

paul, Matthew is not here to


Posted by hazbin1 on 17th of Sep 2010 at 09:23 am


Matthew is not here to tell you what/when to buy or sell. as a full time trader/day- trader for almost a decade, I have found that I pick what is useful to me from this site. As he and Steve repeatedly say 'follow the market trend'. if you are continuing to loose money as you sort through this site's advice, then either figure out what you are doing wrong (loose your trading bias) or find another venue. personally, I find this site more useful than most and some of the traders to be very insightful with their posts (read very profitable ideas).  that gdx system has already paid my cost for this site for the next decade and then some.

thanks again for this post.

$RUT 60-MIN update

Posted by hazbin1 on 16th of Sep 2010 at 11:47 am

thanks again for this post. I'm showing a symetrical wedge on the 5 min spx from yest. should break soon. hopefully .rut follows (or leads the way) down plz.

rollover, as a general rule,

ES Update from Last Night

Posted by hazbin1 on 16th of Sep 2010 at 09:39 am

rollover, as a general rule, is the thursday of the week before opt. expiry.


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