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yup, thanks for that, now

ATEC follows through

Posted by hazbin1 on 14th of Oct 2010 at 11:13 am

yup, thanks for that, now if you could encourage it to close the gap by the end of the day, that would be even nicer. Cool

POMO days

Posted by hazbin1 on 14th of Oct 2010 at 09:28 am

FYI - sentiment trader did an analysis of recent years and it is telling, bigger the POMO day, better odds of stronger mkt. despite what overbought indicators may hint at. reading between the lines, the old adage remains 'don't fight the FED'.

nice chart, different way of

Could history repeat?

Posted by hazbin1 on 13th of Oct 2010 at 07:48 pm

nice chart, different way of viewing same sym. as posted by T-Theory. same end date of projected top.


Posted by hazbin1 on 13th of Oct 2010 at 02:52 pm

something just hit the proverbial 'fan'

thanks for posting that, I

POMO Schedule

Posted by hazbin1 on 13th of Oct 2010 at 02:43 pm

thanks for posting that, I went to look for it around 2pm. I'd guess this Friday's purchase will be large corresponding to the size of tsy coupon payment date.

yup, looking for a trigger

SPX 5 min Sto

Posted by hazbin1 on 13th of Oct 2010 at 02:30 pm

yup, looking for a trigger to go short, but so far the market does no wrong (trend up), just wondering if INTC is a 'tell'?

that's for sure, had 6 price alerts just after the open, how confusing!!

if history is any guide,


Posted by hazbin1 on 12th of Oct 2010 at 03:05 pm

if history is any guide, the bears may get a shot after an large open gap up (generated by the INTC report) tomorrow am.

along those lines, any thoughts on the 'pain trade' for opt expiry. dollar and spy?

using CNBC's interpretation, yes there


Posted by hazbin1 on 12th of Oct 2010 at 02:09 pm

using CNBC's interpretation, yes there will be QE2, but not quantified (that's important as the media pundits will interpret that for the next few weeks). that will be left to the nov. meeting (election timing?) of course there will be 2 new board members (Doves - whatever that means). bottom line. FED extends the put for risk assets.

most interesting will be the interpretation of the discussion on QE2, particularly if they are talking only reinvestment of coupon interest and maturing securities and not another 500b to a trillion new $

1 moment 3.52, next trade 3.42 on 700k, problem? Cool

fda review on 10/29, good

AVNR trade idea

Posted by hazbin1 on 8th of Oct 2010 at 09:27 am

fda review on 10/29, good odds on drug approval?

DSI - response to question last nite

Posted by hazbin1 on 7th of Oct 2010 at 06:43 pm

Daily Sentiment Index (DSI): 84% bulls (82% 5 day
avg, 83% 10 day avg).

agreed, bias can be deadly, especially when the charts say you're going the wrong way.

wondering the same thing, just

I don't care....

Posted by hazbin1 on 6th of Oct 2010 at 10:12 pm

wondering the same thing, just haven't had the time to go back and see if there is any correlation to the size of each day's PMO activity and the direction/magnitude of the spx's movement

bet we see below 2%

Interest Rates/Bonds, trade to stalk

Posted by hazbin1 on 6th of Oct 2010 at 02:44 pm

bet we see below 2% 10yr seen before hitting 3% again. Cool

imho, you only need the FED to be buying bonds for the price to continue to rise (yields fall) commonly known as QE2, coming to a bond market near you...


Posted by hazbin1 on 6th of Oct 2010 at 11:06 am

FYI: yesterday activity was very high $5bil. another smaller today, then no more PMO's until after 10/13.

I'm having difficulty finding the

Blog Refresh is on

Posted by hazbin1 on 5th of Oct 2010 at 01:22 pm

I'm having difficulty finding the banner that runs across the screen saying TREND UP DAY HOP ON DON'T FIGHT IT!!! Cool


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