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Exactly - I was thinking

TLT 60 min

Posted by frtaylor on 16th of Sep 2015 at 01:48 pm

Exactly - I was thinking along the lines of futures. next time, 20 cents.

In GORO since Monday, hasn't

TLT 60 min

Posted by frtaylor on 16th of Sep 2015 at 01:47 pm

In GORO since Monday, hasn't gone yet....

thanks. Just getting back in.

TLT 60 min

Posted by frtaylor on 16th of Sep 2015 at 01:46 pm

thanks. Just getting back in.

Alas, I was away.

ES 20 min

Posted by frtaylor on 16th of Sep 2015 at 01:45 pm

Alas, I was away.

Classic - was stopped out

TLT 60 min

Posted by frtaylor on 16th of Sep 2015 at 11:55 am

Classic - was stopped out almost to the penny. 

Well, Steve did in fact

BPT MA Deluxe went to cash

Posted by frtaylor on 15th of Sep 2015 at 10:12 pm

Well, Steve did in fact note the grey color.

Possible overshoot of the upper

SPX 5 min with pivots

Posted by frtaylor on 15th of Sep 2015 at 01:19 pm

Possible overshoot of the upper trend line. Need a reversal pattern to trigger short, however.

entered on the pullback. Paper trade.

Cup and handle on 5

Posted by frtaylor on 15th of Sep 2015 at 09:01 am

Cup and handle on 5 min ES chart just triggered. Missed it, except that we may get a back test shortly.

I was eyeing the same

SPX 15 min

Posted by frtaylor on 14th of Sep 2015 at 02:43 pm

I was eyeing the same thing....

thinkorswim - MACD w/ Bollinger bands

Posted by frtaylor on 14th of Sep 2015 at 02:40 pm

someone asked me about this, so here it is for anyone else interested:

1. add MACDTwoLines to the lower part of your screen (below price)

2. with the "edit studies" window open, add BollingerBands to your studies.

3. click on the down arrow button of BollingerBands until it is in the same box as MACDTwoLines. That's it!

4. optional, remove the "ave" line from the MACDTwoLines study, since it's just clutter.

not needed (but I'll check it out) - as I say, I already put the BB's on the MACD,  no problem.

I was able to add BB's to my MACD on thinkorswim, btw.

Successfully paper traded the ES 10 min chart, 9:50 am candle, for 4 1/2 pts. I am using thinkorswim. I will pm you about your other indicators - and thank you for this most recent video using ETFs and longer time frames.

Steve, are you looking to

ES Daily and 15 Minute Views

Posted by frtaylor on 14th of Sep 2015 at 10:11 am

Steve, are you looking to short a failed back test of the lower line on the 15 min chart? (I'm paper trading, and watching 5 min chart for failed back test.)

stepped out to take my

SPX Short Term Intraday Views

Posted by frtaylor on 10th of Sep 2015 at 02:00 pm

stepped out to take my daughter back to school right when it went....

and the pivot....

ES and SPX back to daily 9 day EMA's

Posted by frtaylor on 10th of Sep 2015 at 10:52 am

and the pivot....


SPX 15 Bearish Option

Posted by frtaylor on 4th of Sep 2015 at 05:21 pm


Maybe a gap fill Monday

SPX 15 Bearish Option

Posted by frtaylor on 4th of Sep 2015 at 04:01 pm

Maybe a gap fill Monday and then down, completing ABCDE.

So then we have this

SPX 60 min

Posted by frtaylor on 4th of Sep 2015 at 03:45 pm

So then we have this setting up, correct?


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