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Loving that - I bought a couple vxx puts in the morning. Should have gotten more - seemed like a slam dunk.

I have a lone VIX

New short signal today

Posted by frtaylor on 23rd of Jun 2016 at 03:49 pm

I have a lone VIX call against a few positions (calls on longer term plays mostly) in my IRA. Zero interest in shorting here otherwise....

Look, man, I don't hate

Yellen says recession odds are low

Posted by frtaylor on 23rd of Jun 2016 at 01:06 pm

Look, man, I don't hate capitalism, and I am all for folks having opinions. But pounding the table gets us nowhere. Don't sweat it too much - I am not angry with you or anything like that (no need to go with the whole "sir" thing, I'm sure we could have a great time shooting some pool, etc.), I just find it beside the point on a trading site.

Not offended, more annoyed by the noise, by the "if only everyone would listen to me I'd have this all fixed in no time" mentality. If you had some well-respected books on the subject, or other real-world reputation as a major thinker in this area, etc. that'd certainly separate you from the herd. As it is, there are lay opinions all the way across the spectrum, and I don't see why anyone should give more weight to yours anymore than the next guy's.

Decision makers (politicians - yes, I know, ugh) really have no choice but to put people with backgrounds and reputations like Yellen's into positions such as Fed Chair. Otherwise, one guy is as good as the next - how would you decide? Yes, there is plenty to argue over regarding Fed actions! But to make remarks to the effect that "this person is a total idiot"only tells us where you stand; it doesn't forward the debate or change minds. That's all I'm saying, and that's why you don't see me post my opinion.

I would have liked to look into it, but you know my situation....

Check out the volume!

SGY nice day

Posted by frtaylor on 21st of Jun 2016 at 04:41 pm

Check out the volume!

Getting past the black box thing is very helpful for me.

Just amazing what you've put together here!

nice chart.

Volatility trend

Posted by frtaylor on 14th of Jun 2016 at 02:34 pm

nice chart.

In a SEP IRA? I didn't think you could buy futures contracts in an IRA (never looked into it).

Yep. man, I have a looonnnggg way to go. Or hang it up.

Understood, and well said.

Was just some crickets chirping - keeping it light! Okay, options not something you've looked into, I understand. The question to sbaxman was not regarding his own systems, just whether he'd looked into using VXX puts to trade your system. I'll see what I can do for research. 

Thanks for responding,


Question for BPT, sbaxman, or

Posted by frtaylor on 14th of Jun 2016 at 10:44 am

Question for BPT, sbaxman, or anyone: what is your view on buying VXX puts for the SPY Pro system? 

I have a small SEP IRA and don't have the funds to usefully trade Matt's SPY Pro using SPY. I am considering Rydex 2x Russell 2000 fund, but what about buying VXX puts? Since VXX decays, that goes in the direction of the put. Buying ATM puts 2-3 months out will keep the put decay down. Unless we get into an extended period of high volatility, I would think this could be a good strategy.

A related strategy would be to sell a vertical ATM put spread on SVXY. Could collect max of around $200 per $5 spread Here's a discussion of this strategy:


BKX so far trading below


Posted by frtaylor on 13th of Jun 2016 at 10:05 am

BKX so far trading below the lower channel line and the 50 sma. With expectations of no rate hike, this should be one of the weaker sectors.

Anatomy of a strong stock:

Posted by frtaylor on 10th of Jun 2016 at 10:17 am

Anatomy of a strong stock: RTN

Thanks for posting!

SPX Chart

Posted by frtaylor on 10th of Jun 2016 at 09:37 am

Thanks for posting!

A little correlation there!

ES and CL

Posted by frtaylor on 8th of Jun 2016 at 01:40 pm

A little correlation there!

SPX trying to bounce @

Posted by frtaylor on 8th of Jun 2016 at 10:16 am

SPX trying to bounce @ 78.6 retrace of the move from yesterday's low to this morning's high.


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