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Thanks, SB!

Possible Short today

Posted by frtaylor on 23rd of Aug 2016 at 03:28 pm

Thanks, SB!

Looks like we will get an EOD rally after all.

needs to follow through in the next 3-4 candles, otherwise I'd say all bets are off.

Inverse head and shoulders? 5

Posted by frtaylor on 23rd of Aug 2016 at 02:17 pm

Inverse head and shoulders? 5 min SPX.

The Eveready Price Bunnie - It just keeps coiling, and coiling, and coiling....

Another divergence on this chart,

FXP Daily View

Posted by frtaylor on 21st of Aug 2016 at 07:38 pm

Another divergence on this chart, that I don't hear talked about a lot, is when price makes a lower low or equal low (as in this case) but is no longer outside the bollinger band. That's a signal some use for a trade (but it's not a trigger).

had a small amount, sold WAY too early. No idea it could move like that.

TSO was a great buy

Posted by frtaylor on 19th of Aug 2016 at 11:32 am

TSO was a great buy off the lower trend line this morning. I took a little (very little - you know me), may add but need to look @ the intraday chart first.

divergence on the RSI 5

SPY Pro system may close out

Posted by frtaylor on 18th of Aug 2016 at 09:40 am

divergence on the RSI 5 on 5 min chart, and > 1/2 of the opening candle has been taken back. Update - was stopped out of rest.

pulled the trigger on 1/2.

SPY Pro system may close out

Posted by frtaylor on 18th of Aug 2016 at 09:33 am

pulled the trigger on 1/2. Stop tight.

Matt, you ready to go

SPY Pro system may close out

Posted by frtaylor on 18th of Aug 2016 at 09:26 am

Matt, you ready to go on that momo signal for Spy Pro? I'm also watching ES, if it drops ~ 2-3 pts below the 8 am low, I will sell 1/2 or all.

One can always sell 1/2

SPY Pro system may close out

Posted by frtaylor on 17th of Aug 2016 at 10:25 pm

One can always sell 1/2 at the open regardless of indicator change, then set a stop for the rest (break even, 1% below the open, yesterday's low, low at the 9:50 am mark, etc.).

Great time for a bear


Posted by frtaylor on 16th of Aug 2016 at 04:04 pm

Great time for a bear call spread or an iron condor.

Correct me if I am

SPX 5 of 5?

Posted by frtaylor on 9th of Aug 2016 at 08:03 pm

Correct me if I am wrong, but 5 off the top could also mean a flat of some kind.

Don't you just love the

Posted by frtaylor on 5th of Aug 2016 at 10:46 am

Don't you just love the way CHK trades?  Frown

CMRX - red to green

Posted by frtaylor on 5th of Aug 2016 at 09:55 am

CMRX - red to green move (so far). Bounced off the 9 and 50, dealing w/ the upper trend line.

WEAT - the rt shoulder

Posted by frtaylor on 5th of Aug 2016 at 09:45 am

WEAT - the rt shoulder holding? Bought a little in my IRA

sbaxman, thank you as always

NDX extremely overbought

Posted by frtaylor on 1st of Aug 2016 at 09:13 pm

sbaxman, thank you as always for posting these stats - keeps me grounded.

The main alternatives are: 1. buy SVXY or long-dated deep ITM SVXY calls; 2.  buy long-dated ATM or ITM VXX puts (UVXY does not appear to have puts). Do a search on Seeking Alpha using "SVXY strategy," there's a good article on it by user "macro investor" or something like that.

For a somewhat less risky, but much lower return strategy, do a covered call (buy-write)(near month) on SVXY w/ the call perhaps just OTM. If you get called away, rinse and repeat.

I've been buying a little svxy on recent minor pullbacks. As long as the futures are in contango (see macro's article), it works very well. Because UVXY degrades so dramatically, SVXY has been going up while the market has just sat over the last week. But dyodd, and watch your position size. You can hedge with VIX calls if you wish (not VXX calls!). I have been wanting to back test buying SVXY when Matt's Spy Pro goes long. I've made more $ trading SVXY in the last month than I have trading anything else in the last year. But I'm a lousy trader, and I have a very small IRA, so we're not talking about a lot of absolute risk. Another strategy would be: as you reach 100 sh of SVXY (by adding to your position on pullbacks), look to sell a call against it (near month) when the market is really overbought or after a big up-move. You may get called away, but you'll collect the credit, and if it pulls back you get some downside protection as the call drops in value.

SN - low risk entry

Posted by frtaylor on 27th of Jul 2016 at 12:41 pm

SN - low risk entry rt here. Triple bottom on a 10 min chart.


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