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Looks like it was a great last few trades. I'm new to the site so I had not taken those trades but routing for the others! Just curious, did you send some type of signal out via email later yesterday? I saw this on the board so would have been aware of the trade but did not receive an email. 

Thank you, this is really helpful knowing how the signals are sent out. I will check with Etrade and make sure I have the option to trade the etf afterhours. 

And also, when you get the chance on the back data, trade examples and FAQs that would be great although I know you are super busy.  I am looking forward to trading the signals and being a part the community here.   

Hi Matt, I'm new to

SPY system comments and feedback needed

Posted by cozz101 on 13th of Jul 2019 at 08:39 pm

Hi Matt, I'm new to the site so can I ask when do you send the signals for the SPY system (time of day)? Do you send these signals via email?  Is there any data going further back or is it not posted because you have revamped the system? I'm looking forward to participating going forward. Thanks!

Hi, following the SPY system,

Posted by cozz101 on 11th of Jul 2019 at 09:51 am

Hi, following the SPY system, looks like last signal trade is still open but has an exit price. Did this last position close at 298.8 on SPY? Thanks! 


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