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Matt, what are you using for entry? (when the BPT MA Deluxe goes green on the 2 hour chart?) Or are you using the Renko or PMOBUYALL? I understand the stops and I understand your filters. 

This would be a really great swing system to complement the often times shorter term SPY Hi Prob system. I would like to trade this but would like to know for sure how best to enter the trade. 

Bollinger bands on hourly VIX

Posted by cozz101 on 18th of Dec 2019 at 03:54 pm

Bollinger bands on hourly VIX chart seem pretty narrow here with VIX starting to move up.

Excel files...Just had a chance to really look at this...amazing results and appreciate you sharing the data. Looking forward to trading both systems!

And this appears to be trading just one option...imagine the possibilities with the subsystems and being in more than one trade at a time. 

I bought XLE this morning.

ERX follow up

Posted by cozz101 on 9th of Dec 2019 at 11:39 am

I bought XLE this morning. I know you suggested 57.8 for this one as an initial stop. I'm thinking of this as a swing trade. 

Today's low was 59.26, very close to my buy in price, wondering if a stop just below would be better?

Matt, does Silver always follow similiar patterns to Gold? Are the gold commercials also applied to Silver? Any downside targets?

Just paid for my membership

Posted by cozz101 on 6th of Dec 2019 at 05:16 pm

Just paid for my membership again, since August, like X10! Matt & Steve you are reaching guru status on your market reads. So many tips from the newsletter, helping with more than just the SPY system but that alone is well worth it.

You guys who trade options have probably even done better...that's the New Year's resolution for me! 

I see Renko hinting at

Posted by cozz101 on 3rd of Dec 2019 at 10:54 am

I see Renko hinting at a trend change. If the market stays down for the day and possibly goes lower, maybe that will give a sell. 

On another note, any chance of a SPY system Buy if the market stays down and goes lower into the close? 

What about setting a trailing stop (on exhaustion trade) based on just below the 2 hr ATR? Would that give back too much or be too tight a stop? 

Thanks for the update Matt and thoughts and prayers are with you and your family regarding your wife's Mom. 

Hope you had a great

SPY System Trade List

Posted by cozz101 on 29th of Nov 2019 at 11:06 am

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving...definitely a fun holiday! Looking forward to  all of this in the New Year with combined SPY/ES/Options trading! 

On HYG, wondering about a

Posted by cozz101 on 26th of Nov 2019 at 02:36 pm

On HYG, wondering about a dividend capture strategy. I bought some yesterday since Matt reminded us of the chart on the newsletter. (so far so good) It pays over a 5% dividend and goes X-div about 1st of every month. If it trades (generally) alongside SPX, is this a viable strategy? It usually dips a bit after the 1st but, if in an uptrend, usually will resume fairly quickly from my observation.  

Actually just checking in. Any

SPX 5 min comments

Posted by cozz101 on 26th of Nov 2019 at 02:30 pm

Actually just checking in. Any chance of a second short entry today? Otherwise, may just wrap it up as well. 

Great video, makes perfect sense...btw, I know Renko and PMOBUYALL signals often overlap but do you find that one is more consistent and/or later signal? Renko has not gone on a sell signal yet. 

Nice little trade Matt...any win

Updated stats

Posted by cozz101 on 21st of Nov 2019 at 04:17 pm

Nice little trade Matt...any win is a good trade...and your short system keeps it's great record!  

Exhaustion short-Couldn't be much closer

Exhaustion short

Posted by cozz101 on 21st of Nov 2019 at 03:22 pm

Exhaustion short-Couldn't be much closer than exactly on the 8 day simple mov avg (at this moment), haha. This market just won't budge...

This bpgdm renko cross down confuses me as it seems GDX might be ready to make a move up. 

Gorgeous pics! Looks like you

Off Topic stuff

Posted by cozz101 on 15th of Nov 2019 at 03:46 pm

Gorgeous pics! Looks like you guys are the only ones in that part of the world....nice! 

Agree, thanks for your hard work on this Matt!  Definitely understand this is a first entry and may not be perfect; may need a couple more. This uptrend is hard to kill! 

No prob, will stay tuned, thx

Just curious if we are getting back into trigger territory on this? 


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