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Yes thanks... I guess I'm

USU Earnings

Posted by brofool on 3rd of Nov 2010 at 10:42 am

Yes thanks... I guess I'm not sold on this chart anymore. Time for me to move on. Based on my luck lately though that should mean a huge bounce.

USU Earnings

Posted by brofool on 3rd of Nov 2010 at 10:24 am

USU announced earnings and put a serious dent in their chart. It looks like it may find support but whats you're take on the direction from here?


New Dividend Section has been fixed

Posted by brofool on 1st of Nov 2010 at 07:50 am

Great new addition... It might be nice though to seek right to the secion of stocks about to go ex-dividend. I sorted by date then had to treverse threw quite a few pages to get to the current date. Other than that its awesome!

Steve: Ever consider a key


Posted by brofool on 13th of Oct 2010 at 10:12 am

Steve: Ever consider a key for your common acronyms? I know it would help me.



Posted by brofool on 24th of Sep 2010 at 01:05 pm

Check out ARO as a new setup. The Daily chart looks promising. Both the 60 and 144 stochs are coming up through 20%


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