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So i saw on the

Posted by RP on 31st of Jul 2019 at 09:46 am

So i saw on the news the China talks lasted one dinner and we hit the pavement. My guess is Trump is waiting to see what the Fed will do on rates today and another round of tariffs will be coming . Just speculation but possible.

Matt Excellent newsletter you covered

Posted by RP on 22nd of Jul 2019 at 10:37 am

Matt Excellent newsletter you covered it all!!  I really like all the indicators etc really gives alot of perspective  anyway great work!  

Sold my 100 ....129 GLD

Posted by RP on 19th of Jul 2019 at 09:54 am

Sold my 100 ....129 GLD calls yesterday was a great day!  Possible risk reward at this point makes me cautious at this point will step aside . Was also in GDX and GLDM as etfs all sold yesterday. I  bought puts on the QQQ i am undedrwater on those but will patient. So far hell of a year!  I guess i heard the ducks quacking yesterday ...

Steve excellent advice on taking

Posted by RP on 26th of Jun 2019 at 09:34 am

Steve excellent advice on taking profits.. my ducks were quacking bought 100 puts on GLD yesterday as RSI over 90 and as you guys been saying way over done take my money and relax rest of the day.  Looking for around 1382 plus minus pullback on Gold than relaod for another ride.

Matt you and Steve do a hell of a job period! That is why i came back here after doing houses one left to complete than will be back trading fulltime again. What a day just sold my GLD ciontracts and JNUG oh baby!

My son is a bond

Posted by RP on 18th of Jun 2019 at 10:18 am

My son is a bond analyst CFA at Vanguard headquarters in Malverne PA. he just  text me said they expect a 25 basis point cut be the FED tomorrow and 50 basis point cut overall . Passing it along see if it happens tomorrow. Picked up GLD calls on that pullback off the highs and sold 20000 shares of GUSH nice morning.

Ok well just walked in

Posted by RP on 31st of May 2019 at 02:37 pm

Ok well just walked in and i see Gold took out 1310 so more than likely after this move in a few days we will get a pullback than we will test the highs and take them out. 

Tucson and soon as my wife retires we are outa here town is not run properly and slanted to the left on every issue ..phx is a hop skip and jump.

problem is i live near the border we are overrun here we cant even fix our streets and we are housing and feed ing folks coming here and we dont have the funds ..we have to either get off our ass in congress pass the right laws or do something. the border patrol arrested over 1000 yesterday in one group this just unreal

well it seems buying in

sold GLD calls and jnug what a day!!

Posted by RP on 31st of May 2019 at 09:57 am

well it seems buying in the money calls on GLD is my sweet spot. had 150 contracts 11k shares jnug you see that on the screen u push buttons. if we take out 1310 on august contract we will retest the highs but for now locking it in. watching to jump in spy ..

sold GLD calls and jnug

Posted by RP on 31st of May 2019 at 09:37 am

sold GLD calls and jnug what a day!!

UUP is toping out here

Posted by RP on 23rd of May 2019 at 10:54 am

UUP is toping out here as well looks like this should benefit GLD etc. 

will be watching GUSH here

Posted by RP on 23rd of May 2019 at 10:45 am

will be watching GUSH here for a trade its trade mode for now ...

Bought 150  GLD calls august

Posted by RP on 23rd of May 2019 at 10:43 am

Bought 150  GLD calls august in the money all week and 11k shares of JNUG gold stks etfs all up nice today.. have hourly daily and weekly buy on GLD waiting on JNUG daily buy than we should have a big move. I think the sell off taking out what everyone was watching was a fakeout.. as usual we shall see ..

OSTK having nice day 

Posted by RP on 9th of May 2019 at 11:08 am

OSTK having nice day 

just remember we are one

Posted by RP on 9th of May 2019 at 10:35 am

just remember we are one tweet away! I am sick had 175 calls on VXX and i am redoing a house so not able to monitor so i was up nice sold looks like i left a lot  table!! may 28 calls . nibbling on spy calls and PINS calls long GLD calls jnug and gdx calls 

clearly the Trumpster has delivered

Posted by RP on 5th of May 2019 at 08:12 pm

clearly the Trumpster has delivered a slamma jamma as i stated months ago the Chinese think they can take us to the bank forever ! games up new sheriff in town!

our prayers are with your


Posted by RP on 5th of May 2019 at 08:11 pm

our prayers are with your family!!

so just curious if everything

Posted by RP on 4th of May 2019 at 09:35 pm

so just curious if everything is so rosie and rocking why is dba in the toilet copper down oil down gold down silver down ..hell even coffee is tanking i find this interesting. lots divergences on the charts ...

Get well Steve that is the problem living the desert..


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