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added 50 put contracts on

Posted by RP on 12th of Aug 2019 at 03:36 pm

added 50 put contracts on GLD sept see how she goes hav to run out again..

i should say lead gold itself..been discussed here by Matt and Steve many times

gold stks usually rollover and lead on downside and upside

looks like it is trying

GDX/GLD Ratio 60 Minute

Posted by RP on 12th of Aug 2019 at 03:01 pm

looks like it is trying to rollover i bought jdst and dust 5k each friday and 25 puts on GLD . i  got a sell daily on GLD so 60  min is pushing up once it lines up with daily than we may have a short term top in GLD. I will add to puts if trys pushing up again  just caught me off guard as i just turned my head away and boom ..

well i just came say

major catastrophe today,

Posted by RP on 12th of Aug 2019 at 02:58 pm

well i just came say this man that sucks! i guess you dont have flood insurance most don't...i just ahd a sump system installed at my sons house in PA. did it before i turned basement into living a good lawyer have him write a letter sometimes makes a difference.

GLD just doubled was up

Posted by RP on 12th of Aug 2019 at 02:44 pm

GLD just doubled was up 90 censt now 1.85 something up?

Sold my SPY calls made

Posted by RP on 8th of Aug 2019 at 04:14 pm

Sold my SPY calls made good profit. That FBM man i missed that to much going on.. my buddy just was head hunted from Home Depot and went to work for them ..they are recruiting the best to work for them say alot about the company..

matt what are the inverse

Posted by RP on 7th of Aug 2019 at 05:10 pm

matt what are the inverse gold etfs ? 3x 2x and gld...thanks

well i am listing a

Posted by RP on 7th of Aug 2019 at 10:08 am

well i am listing a house  monday finally and maybe rates will help but if folks watching 401k go down than will they hesitate that is what causes recessions when money starts getting cautious. in other it becomes self fulfilling ..

yes agree but this a wave 5 how high who knows but getting itchy finger to short

GLD getting way overdone here

Posted by RP on 7th of Aug 2019 at 09:57 am

GLD getting way overdone here .......everyone piling in the trade now

ok no problem thx

Matt, Just listened to the weekend

Posted by RP on 4th of Aug 2019 at 07:47 pm


Just listened to the weekend newsletter which was great but it ended at 47.03 and left off at chart 99 i believe. Anyway heads up. By the way my 60 min  is topping out on the SPY after push into close friday and Daily has yet to confirm a buy a rollover on the 60 min will get us the buy on SPY daily.. When the daily does confirm it last 2-4 days but i still have a sell on SPY on weekly. So your thinking we may have a pop and a drop is the most likely scenario. 


GLD is flat gold is

Posted by RP on 2nd of Aug 2019 at 12:32 pm

GLD is flat gold is up weird also lots gaps on the GLD daily chart...

QQQ bounced off the 50....

Posted by RP on 2nd of Aug 2019 at 12:31 pm

QQQ bounced off the 50.... Matt's chart he posted earlier. Couple thoughts one Chi has not responded to tariffs i am sure they will do something. Second word i heard this morning was that Chinese troops are at border around  Hong kong  sunday may be the day so with uncertainty buying the dip may not be good risk reward unless day trading. i Just got hourly buy on QQQ

well hope it does but

Now let's go fill that gap !

Posted by RP on 1st of Aug 2019 at 02:11 pm

well hope it does but i aint waiting around for the gap 25k lots profit take it and run  plus i am rmoldeling a house my son called me 

out what a day what

Posted by RP on 1st of Aug 2019 at 01:59 pm

out what a day what ayear!!

think if you look back

Posted by RP on 1st of Aug 2019 at 01:56 pm

think if you look back a t my post tuesday i said i though trump would do just what he did..glad i held my put yee hah!

i started buying 2 weeks ago underwater on the aug. but i doubled up with 194 sept qqq puts purchased monday this week . i see we are playing games at the open would like to see a rollover here .  anyway have 175 puts so had extra glass of of cab at cocktail hour.

Well just got home looked

Posted by RP on 31st of Jul 2019 at 06:40 pm

Well just got home looked at my account needless to say i am very happy. aug qqq puts and sept puts . be nice if we open down in the morning i will be gone...


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