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Interesting the chinese are saying

Posted by RP on 7th of Nov 2019 at 09:06 am

Interesting the chinese are saying tariff rollback and no comments from US side. Maybe something is lost in the translation here.

OSTK trying here still in

Posted by RP on 6th of Nov 2019 at 09:58 am

OSTK trying here still in this

Had 5k shares of DUST

Posted by RP on 6th of Nov 2019 at 09:05 am

Had 5k shares of DUST and JDST sold out yesterday. GLD i hav hourly bounce but daily is rolled over so this should be a bounce and than sideways to down next 3-5 days. At that point all time frames line up than will go long again. Added to TVIX as well ...mkt going up on low volume also added VXX calls..see how she goes. Oh and i dont hav to move as tucson will not be a sanctuary city as the brainiacts that run this place decided they wanted the millions of fed dollars we get wow maybe we can fix our potholes now so i can drive my truck under control haha.

unloaded GLD 75 calls and

Posted by RP on 31st of Oct 2019 at 09:53 am

unloaded GLD 75 calls and jnug calls and nugt calls on this pop will watch from hjere. added to tvix and holding ostk earnings on 7th will make decision on that next week.

Bought back into GLD and

Posted by RP on 29th of Oct 2019 at 03:53 pm

Bought back into GLD and JNUG and NUGT started yesterday bought calls in the money jan expiration added this morning on the pullback at the open. I also added to my OSTK position and i am hold TVIX i addec yesterday at the open when  it was down.

thank you sir! i forgot i added 5k TVIX as well i never enter my entire position at once usually i hav 4 entries just way it seems to work for me. everyone is different of course ...evryone have great weekend see what Monday holds...

Well i unloaded my GLD

Posted by RP on 25th of Oct 2019 at 03:14 pm

Well i unloaded my GLD position and jnug and nugt yesterday and they opened up big this morning but that is fine as i did very well on what i sold. just sold SE postion and added 8k shares OSTK this morning along with 125 calls jan on same. looking for a pullback on GLD and will  get back in for ride up to 1600. Daily is over bought here so sideways to down next 4-5 days. need a close 1513.80 on GS contract than i think we will ramp up.

well i did my part

AMZN timberrr

Posted by RP on 24th of Oct 2019 at 04:02 pm

well i did my part to help out get soimething every other day here.

sold 150 call contracts on

Posted by RP on 24th of Oct 2019 at 03:42 pm

sold 150 call contracts on GLD in the money. 4000 shares JNUG and NUGT 5000 shares hugh day! still in OSTK and SE.. jan. calls

long OSTK and SE calls

Posted by RP on 21st of Oct 2019 at 10:39 am

long OSTK and SE calls

Well first day back from

Posted by RP on 21st of Oct 2019 at 10:13 am

Well first day back from Italy was awesome! long GLD JNUG and NUGT looking for move higher here daily is putting pressure on GLD here but once it rotaes weekly is on a buy. See what happens..

dumped the 100 calls on

Posted by RP on 8th of Oct 2019 at 03:19 pm

dumped the 100 calls on GLD and 50calls on SLV on that spike while Powell speaking ..thank you Mr. Powell!

well bought 100 dec in

Posted by RP on 8th of Oct 2019 at 11:30 am

well bought 100 dec in the money calls on GLD yesterday and 50 on SLV still long calls dec on OSTK it is acting well. down on GUSH trade tax loss selling most likely it had been beat to death..nice day!

Steve.....Read the whole thing great

Ray Dalio Article

Posted by RP on 6th of Oct 2019 at 07:41 pm

Steve.....Read the whole thing great article..thank you

regular acct sold gld puts

Posted by RP on 4th of Oct 2019 at 09:57 am

regular acct sold gld puts labu and ostk still have dec calls holding on ostk sold spy calls hugh day !

GLD tanking sweet!

Posted by RP on 3rd of Oct 2019 at 03:54 pm

GLD tanking sweet!

Labu rocking again think the

Posted by RP on 3rd of Oct 2019 at 11:10 am

Labu rocking again think the big boyz rotating in to this as been beaten to death. Short GLD with puts added to Ostk and added to Spy calls .. Possible haed and shoulders on gold here we shall see

i had a target on

Posted by RP on 2nd of Oct 2019 at 12:11 pm

i had a target on the gap fill on tvix of 17 may get that..i always sell early something i need to work on..haha

thanks steve see how rest of the day goes i will add to spy calls and they are dec. positive news out there mkt is looking for a reason here.

picked up ostk and labu

Posted by RP on 2nd of Oct 2019 at 10:05 am

picked up ostk and labu and some gush here calls on spy will add we are just a tweet away haha


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