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You nailed it!! The last meeting in the Oval office With Powell and Trumpster cast the course throughout 2020

Bought GLD puts at the

Posted by RP on 6th of Jan 2020 at 10:35 am

Bought GLD puts at the open basically an add to friday..way overdone here wait for pullback than flip long. Also in jdst saw the weakness Matt discussed in the newsletter..we need a close below 3221 on sp than i think we may get taht pullback..and that is all it will be ..

 mentioned OSTK before as oversold

OSTK  Link

Posted by RP on 6th of Jan 2020 at 10:33 am

 mentioned OSTK before as oversold bouncer maybe this is it..

Totally agree i have weekly buys on UVXY and VXX in both waiting patiently..

Matt great newsletter!  Here is

Posted by RP on 6th of Jan 2020 at 09:15 am

Matt great newsletter!  Here is to everyone having a successful trading year!!

also i been vectorvest subscriber

Posted by RP on 23rd of Dec 2019 at 12:53 pm

also i been vectorvest subscriber for years since they started i dont do much with it but when their MTI indicator gets over 1.50 than we look for a rollover in the mkt. its at 1.53  here . also we hav the fed doing qe again though they say they are not another reason we creep up daily but all things do come to an end least for a pullback

SLV has topped out here

Posted by RP on 23rd of Dec 2019 at 12:48 pm

SLV has topped out here short term i also dont like how GLD is reacting here sold out jnug nugt slv calls and gld calls ..we may get a pullback here than be buying opportunity for nice trade into mid january..

after this little rotation pullback

Posted by RP on 18th of Dec 2019 at 10:31 am

after this little rotation pullback etc on gld we will be rockin into end of the year..i am in gld,jnug,nugt,slv,vxx ..LET"S HAV A TRIAL!! i like watching rats scurry!!

is that one of those dark holes where money goes with a password..haha

jnug nugt gld killer!!

Posted by RP on 13th of Dec 2019 at 02:35 pm

jnug nugt gld killer!!

bought JNUG NUGT etf's and

Posted by RP on 13th of Dec 2019 at 09:47 am

bought JNUG NUGT etf's and GLD calls at the open

agreed and i hear you but if we do nothing than  what ..we been ripped off for what 20-30 years and the game is always played that china wins we loose..

well here we go trade

Posted by RP on 12th of Dec 2019 at 02:29 pm

well here we go trade deal...will be interesting

i cant believe we are

Posted by RP on 12th of Dec 2019 at 02:19 pm

i cant believe we are giving away anything in the trade talks for the chinese to buy hogs which they desperately need because half their hogs hav swine flu. this would be totally out of character for the Trumpster....say what u want the tariffs are working ..will be interesting..

i rarely trade individual stks

Posted by RP on 12th of Dec 2019 at 02:11 pm

i rarely trade individual stks but looking at OSTK it had been beaten to death. This could be one of those  left for dead stks that somneone is sniffing around up decent today. Maybe Matt or Steve could take a look at it  and give their opinion. Picked up some VXX calls in the money feb. on that swoop down this morning .

"Oh my my Oh hell

Posted by RP on 12th of Dec 2019 at 08:39 am

"Oh my my Oh hell yes gonna put on that party dress" Well i sold early as usual but that is ok i still hav 50 calls in the money on SLV and NUGT in another acct. I do have and hourly sell it started to do it's thing before FED meeting but was trumped by daily and weekly pointing up. If we do pullback i will jump back in. we take out 1490 on feb contrac t we will head up to 1540 area and could go higher. what a year it has been unreal ! now i hav to pay the piper on usual we shall see..

well i threw in a

Posted by RP on 11th of Dec 2019 at 04:06 pm

well i threw in a big number on my jnug options and it was taken nice day!

locked in 12k i hav

Posted by RP on 11th of Dec 2019 at 12:16 pm

locked in 12k i hav 60 min  sell will look to buy back on a pulback...if we get it hav a daily buy and weekly buy so we will see

well my JNUG play is

Posted by RP on 11th of Dec 2019 at 12:02 pm

well my JNUG play is doing nicely..3k shares 10 calls in the money

i am sure glad the

Posted by RP on 10th of Dec 2019 at 10:20 am

i am sure glad the american people are smarter their representatives.................been buying jnug on pullbacks


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