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sold ugaz and gush 5800.00

Posted by RP on 10th of Feb 2020 at 02:40 pm

sold ugaz and gush 5800.00 15 min thats a bounce play

picked up 5k shares ugaz

Posted by RP on 10th of Feb 2020 at 01:41 pm

picked up 5k shares ugaz and gush hit hard looking for a bounce play.

picked up another 5k shares

Posted by RP on 10th of Feb 2020 at 12:36 pm

picked up another 5k shares of jnug on sale friday just sold again for 20k profit that is 48k in 5 days . uo big on GLD calls as well 100 in the money june calls .

about time!!

JO nice bounce

Posted by RP on 10th of Feb 2020 at 11:39 am

about time!!

haha so funny halftime report

Posted by RP on 7th of Feb 2020 at 12:37 pm

haha so funny halftime report dude with glasses said buy GBX i thought ok bought 2500 shares boom popped a buck sold in less thaan 5 min.. gotta luv it

JO looks to open up

Posted by RP on 7th of Feb 2020 at 09:24 am

JO looks to open up her. UVXY trade 5k shares put on yesterday afternoon profitable at the open see what happens. i hav a daily buy on GLD i usually jump on before it confirms so still holding 100 calls in the money june. still hav jnug and nugt in nother acct may unload today. so the gold play is 2-3 days up as we still hav a weekly sell on.

heck of a move hard

CTSH Udpated View

Posted by RP on 6th of Feb 2020 at 02:28 pm

heck of a move hard to cover everything with just laptop ..

UGAZ rocked after i sold

Posted by RP on 6th of Feb 2020 at 01:57 pm

UGAZ rocked after i sold nice move

unreal just sold JNUG 5000

Posted by RP on 6th of Feb 2020 at 01:32 pm

unreal just sold JNUG 5000 shares for 29474.00 gain since tuesday sold 50 nugt calls 5800.00 nice day. picked up UVXY just incase 5k shares

jnug filling the gap from

Posted by RP on 6th of Feb 2020 at 11:23 am

jnug filling the gap from the open  i am u 20k on my first buy 5k shares may ad here

also think JO is setting

Posted by RP on 6th of Feb 2020 at 11:21 am

also think JO is setting up here i hav calls weird duck but lots open gaps above on chart

i have traded this in the past when u hav a profit u lock it in.

took UGAZ at the open

Posted by RP on 6th of Feb 2020 at 11:02 am

took UGAZ at the open 3k shares based on matt's omments last night locked in 4200.00 !!

Thanks Steve our prayers with

Posted by RP on 5th of Feb 2020 at 11:11 am

Thanks Steve our prayers with your family....

we will bounce on gold

Posted by RP on 5th of Feb 2020 at 11:05 am

we will bounce on gold looking for 1680 plus into march i am up 20k on jnug since yesterady when  i posted my buys ..also own nugt calls and gld calls

also sold 18k  shares of

Posted by RP on 4th of Feb 2020 at 02:07 pm

also sold 18k  shares of jdst two accts today.

piced up 5000 jnug gld

Posted by RP on 4th of Feb 2020 at 01:57 pm

piced up 5000 jnug gld calls june and nugt calls june.. may be early but expecting a move up after this move lower. closed all puts on gld and tlt and calls on sp500 ..

HUGH DAY!! grand baby helped

Posted by RP on 4th of Feb 2020 at 10:10 am

HUGH DAY!! grand baby helped me push the buttons haha..

still long jdst and short

Posted by RP on 3rd of Feb 2020 at 10:48 am

still long jdst and short puts on gld long spy trade from matt and short tlt with puts as i posted last week.

well grand daughter just over

Posted by RP on 3rd of Feb 2020 at 10:47 am

well grand daughter just over year old got pneumonia and so did nanny  is in hospital so grandpa fly in to watch baby..etc as my son and daughter in law work 60 hr weeks . any thoughts on JO here we getting tat double bottom today dont hav all my goodies with me ..thx


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