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are we going to get

Posted by RP on 25th of Feb 2020 at 03:04 pm

are we going to get a v bottom here that would kill the shorts big time..

let's just say u dont wanta come callin to my house

haha well around tucson we have a bunch old titan missle silos and one just sold near oracle az few miles north

i am going to buy

Posted by RP on 25th of Feb 2020 at 02:59 pm

i am going to buy 40 acres or buy missle silo haha or dig a big ass hole in the ground ..

well chucky cheese shumer on guess he took a break from thoise bad russians now on the virus ahhh lets see another investigation . this time its the virus what?? anyway he looks like garndpa on the munsters God help us!!

well i am short jnug

Posted by RP on 25th of Feb 2020 at 02:21 pm

well i am short jnug puts long jdst and short gld with puts been buying calls on spy may ..

Not much green but JO

Posted by RP on 25th of Feb 2020 at 01:41 pm

Not much green but JO is up..

gee why do i think ur right ...u cant defend ur position resort to personal attacks.. by the way gold down 25.30 on futes hit 1684 or close i posted weeks ago 1670to 1690  close enough. think we get that wave 2 bounce for a 3 down on spy anyway no genius just my guess the great speech in india to 125k largest democracy in the world!!

sold 15k shares uvxy nice

Posted by RP on 21st of Feb 2020 at 10:02 am

sold 15k shares uvxy nice morning ..adding some jdst and puts on gld big move see whart happens

JNUG and NUGT killing it bought

Posted by RP on 18th of Feb 2020 at 03:44 pm

JNUG and NUGT killing it

bought some JDST see how she goes..also bought calls on USO at lows this morning and OILU early on oil beat to death looking for a bounce..

well like i commented last

Posted by RP on 18th of Feb 2020 at 10:43 am

well like i commented last week we close above 1598.50 we off to the races..fits and starts but up for gold. i still have jnug and nugt in 401k . nice move here but daily is getting overbought still have a weekly sell. picked up some uso calls way out in the money let them set see what happens.

just some thoughts on GLD

Posted by RP on 14th of Feb 2020 at 02:17 pm

just some thoughts on GLD etc i left some money on the table on GLD i am ok with that reasons i have been trading as well as i have is i dont look back could care less i see 22.5k on 150 calls on GLD at the open i push b uttons love etrade out in seconds. so GLD is starting to top out on my indicators could go up more who knows but the weekly is on a sell and when dailt gets overbought and lines up with weekly we should rollover. now is we break 1598.50 and close above that i think all bets are off and we head to  1670-90 before this is done . so i will be watching for another entry i just got hourly sell on GLD. spending alot time tryi ng to setup new computer pain in the a//. UVXY is gaining some strength here mostly i think because its 3 day weekend coming up and who knows...

you take your peice of the pie and dont look back always opportunity

took off GLD calls 22k

Posted by RP on 14th of Feb 2020 at 10:02 am

took off GLD calls 22k will hold uvxy

sold JO calls matrch and

Posted by RP on 14th of Feb 2020 at 09:56 am

sold JO calls matrch and june 25k sold jnug calls 12k uvxy under water 6k  GLD 150 calls getting itchy finger up 22.5k may go away today

added 50 calls to my

Posted by RP on 13th of Feb 2020 at 07:44 pm

added 50 calls to my GLD in the money calls out to june did that yesterday on move down 150 total. also bought june JNUG calls there is a spread so i just throw in my bid and wait got 75 in last couple days on pullback. still have JO calls to strikes and in the money finally decent move today . also built position in uvxy . just got home today long day nnice to see big pop in your acct ..

niotice the UVXY is hanging

Posted by RP on 10th of Feb 2020 at 03:15 pm

niotice the UVXY is hanging tuff here..let see if GLD will move up into the close..

haha i hear you just glad i have the time and can help my son and his wife they work hard have great jobs happy to do it. she even knows some sign language they taught her i got lesson on that as well..

i watch the action usually

Posted by RP on 10th of Feb 2020 at 03:00 pm

i watch the action usually 5 min but look at all time frames..i used to call live trades in trading room on a mic years ago. i here in philly baby setting my 15 mo grand daughter so i hav tools aon my laptop and milk bottles as well!! having blast she getting over pneumonia..nanny still sick she should be back thursday and than i head home ..had such a great trading week since i ben here may build office in there garage haah

38.38 ugaz

Posted by RP on 10th of Feb 2020 at 02:52 pm

38.38 ugaz


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