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Thanks Steve i get the in right the out needs a lot of work haha..

JNUG was at what 105.00

Posted by RP on 28th of Feb 2020 at 09:03 am

JNUG was at what 105.00 now 57 what a hit..looks like i sold to early again JDST that is the area i need to work on i see dollars and just push buttons..still short GLD .

haha its the little creatures


Posted by RP on 28th of Feb 2020 at 08:59 am

haha its the little creatures that live in your basement that play video games and think cows farting is climate change. you will find we will be dependent on them for our future God help us!!

My son just text me

Posted by RP on 27th of Feb 2020 at 05:34 pm

My son just text me Vanguard in malvern pa. just told all employees no flights..that is Vanguard headqtrs

what a day unreal lots

Posted by RP on 27th of Feb 2020 at 04:00 pm

what a day unreal lots action..GLD just went negative

Oh my  my sold 25k

Posted by RP on 27th of Feb 2020 at 01:22 pm

Oh my  my sold 25k shares jdst 150 call options the same bought 50 may 15 calls on spy at open to add to 100 i have bought puts on tlt its down and gld rolled over ;like i posted this morning have puts on gld will hold those ..also bought 10k shares gush this morning..

everyone pumping gold now before

Posted by RP on 27th of Feb 2020 at 10:09 am

everyone pumping gold now before they wouldnt touch it me thinks they dump it and buy mkt who knows

funny i just looked at

JO nice place to hide out

Posted by RP on 27th of Feb 2020 at 10:05 am

funny i just looked at spce could get a bounce but weekly and daily sayd more pain

gold stks etfs rolled over

Posted by RP on 27th of Feb 2020 at 10:04 am

gold stks etfs rolled over ..may lead way for gld here

JO nice place to hide

Posted by RP on 27th of Feb 2020 at 09:58 am

JO nice place to hide out

picked up puts on tlt

Posted by RP on 27th of Feb 2020 at 09:54 am

picked up puts on tlt way over done here may 15 puts in the money

he has cabinet members who

Trump press release

Posted by RP on 26th of Feb 2020 at 08:45 pm

he has cabinet members who have a job to do and they have done it. i have no idea about CDC they scared the hell out of everyone yesterday. that coupled with cuban nut wacker bernie and good recipe for 2000 point drop. everyone should let those running the country do their jobs and so far they have done excellent job...i am done now haha

well my wife who is

Trump press release

Posted by RP on 26th of Feb 2020 at 08:39 pm

well my wife who is a mild mannered gal said u turn that off or i am leaving the room speaks for itself lots wack jobs and scare the hell out of folks

ok i see thanks Steve

can anyone enlighten me as

Posted by RP on 26th of Feb 2020 at 10:14 am

can anyone enlighten me as to why gold futes down 15.80 and GLD is up..

guys a wack job haha

sold JNUG puts just got

Posted by RP on 25th of Feb 2020 at 03:29 pm

sold JNUG puts just got taken away  

makes sense but we will bounce money will be made  i trade 85% options in and out ..futures i like the tax situation as i just dropped off my taxes to accountant ugly. happy to pay had a hugh year and so far this year 2/3 of last year already gotta luv this great country!!

LWRC and SIG!!

i am going to buy 40 acres or buy missle ...

Posted by RP on 25th of Feb 2020 at 03:13 pm

LWRC and SIG!!

they got that machine all tuned up and lubed with wd40


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