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looks like it was crazy bernie calling 500 billion corporate  welfare ..hmmm bernice hasnt had a real job in his life and been in congress what 40 years can someone name me what he has done..maybe got a post office named after him. the wackjobs think busineses that emplay the folks who pay the taxes are the enemy ..ship his as to cuba he loves the place..

yeo sold 10k shares today weeded my garden

tanking the spy into close

Posted by RP on 25th of Mar 2020 at 03:49 pm

tanking the spy into close ..smells like nacy and chucky cheese on the phone again..

well going forward what will they base the projected numbers for earnings ..i think fib retrace on spy is around 263 38% 50% is 277 ..than another rollover who knows Bradley indicator has a turn date of April 24th. Cycles are pointing to late May or June for this to end than move up . all speculation at this point.

haha dont get giddy wait until unemployment number comes out tomorrow..

Fox saying regulators may do

Posted by RP on 18th of Mar 2020 at 03:32 pm

Fox saying regulators may do something about the short selling in the mkts. They say it is what is causing wild swings..

looks like long vix and puts on spy is king.

amazing we are self destructing

Posted by RP on 18th of Mar 2020 at 01:35 pm

amazing we are self destructing

think this aikman wackjob just

Posted by RP on 18th of Mar 2020 at 12:43 pm

think this aikman wackjob just called the bottom

HAHA that was good stuff i am hitting up all the old westerns haha no corona in them ...........

Matt be a good time

jnug up 55% on the day nugt up 38%

Posted by RP on 17th of Mar 2020 at 10:57 am

Matt be a good time for GLD system something to consider also would been nice if spy system went short with puts in largest waterfall decline in history. i know its easy to say ..harder to do. but if we get the bounce we all looking for than would be a good time to short again. this aint over until i would say end of may. going to the mine today to do some digging for wulfenite one good thing about az we all tired listening to this crap on tv ...............

jnug up 55% on the

Posted by RP on 17th of Mar 2020 at 10:49 am

jnug up 55% on the day nugt up 38%

They should have never been alowed to rape our country steal our jobs and our technology! Now this dont think they will be getting a free ride anymore think for sure we have had enough. Bring things back here so we not caught like we just were should be a lesson learned. Alos they responsible for what half the pollution in the world and this climate change maybe we unleash the squad on them..........

gld also positive here..

Posted by RP on 17th of Mar 2020 at 10:33 am

gld also positive here..

gdxj jnug and nugt all

Posted by RP on 17th of Mar 2020 at 10:32 am

gdxj jnug and nugt all rockin again

That is really a shame we were there last october.

well thats it we take

Posted by RP on 16th of Mar 2020 at 05:38 pm

well thats it we take out 666 its unreal none of these idiots have a frikin clue .

well thats it we take

Posted by RP on 16th of Mar 2020 at 05:38 pm

well thats it we take out 666 its unreal none of these idiots have a frikin clue .


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