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well the big wires running

Posted by RP on 14th of Apr 2020 at 03:47 pm

well the big wires running from the fed to wallstreet pumping in the bucks..this is way long in the tooth..time to flip the switch in reverse so we can pretend we actually hav a stk mkt toi justify all the idiots on tv all day long. time turn the western channel back on..

yep bought puts this morning

Nice GLD pullback out of the coil.

Posted by RP on 14th of Apr 2020 at 03:24 pm

yep bought puts this morning on that move..

so lala land will end

Posted by RP on 14th of Apr 2020 at 09:24 am

so lala land will end here ..tesla asking to not pay rent!! this is going to hit the banks as all this trickles down. fed has stopped the bleeding for now but gonna get ugly.

i take it you read the book? read it about 2 mo ago. yes its coming. As you may know this is about the debt forgiveness in the old testament leviticus chapter 25 . every 49 years debt was forgiven. was called the Jubilee. guess this means not have everything i own paid for go out and borrow on everything haha

yep back on

anyone else have think or swim crash?

Posted by RP on 13th of Apr 2020 at 01:56 pm

yep back on

ok thx steve was just curious

ok you smart guys out

Posted by RP on 13th of Apr 2020 at 10:40 am

ok you smart guys out there why is gold futures been down all day and all night and GLD is up?  

Thanks you as well!!

well think it is time

Posted by RP on 9th of Apr 2020 at 04:07 pm

well think it is time to be thankful for family friends and the cross as otherwise we have nothing. money is money try focus on the simple things and dont let money define who we are. think i will pull up "the Passion" or get old charlton heston on and watch the "10 commandments"  enjoy the "easter" holiday keep the corona off and be thankful..

well that is good news

Posted by RP on 9th of Apr 2020 at 11:05 am

well that is good news ..not sure if everyone knows this but Russia gdp is less than the state of Texas seems unreal.

yep and aint no free lunch .....

yesh the bears dont have 8 trillion on their team but they sure handed everyone their ass didnt they. think if you were long uvxy or had puts you be rich right now.

take a look at the

Posted by RP on 9th of Apr 2020 at 10:54 am

take a look at the candle on GLD daily chart

anyone look at OI i

Posted by RP on 9th of Apr 2020 at 10:32 am

anyone look at OI i sold yesterday was one of steves picks

maybe we should post live

Posted by RP on 9th of Apr 2020 at 10:28 am

maybe we should post live trades on here wouldnt that be interesting. instead of after the fact that way you take if you want it if not dont...

first of all my trading

Posted by RP on 9th of Apr 2020 at 10:04 am

first of all my trading style is not to chase especially in this frikin mkt. second trust nothing if you are using logic in any way to trade aint happening,. i know everyone is a genious until their not but at some point reality has to set in.... the mkt is based on earnings how we get valuations unless we are now china and make sh?? up.

i think we should write

Posted by RP on 9th of Apr 2020 at 09:21 am

i think we should write out checks to all those that lost money in stock mkt. what the hell !!

poin t being u aint

Posted by RP on 9th of Apr 2020 at 08:55 am

poin t being u aint fixing what's coming on earnings and how do you value stocks? actually even after all this we are still overvalued sp500 1700 or lower here we come. may hav to  order printing machines from china

well that was well choreographed

others in the room are

Posted by RP on 8th of Apr 2020 at 03:58 pm

others in the room are interested in the "traders status designation" i asked about yesterday . this frikin tax deal is unreal!! plus deferred losses what a deal..a law from 1929. 

anyone have a clue on this would be nice including matt or steve.


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