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bought yesterday letter rip

and i meny hay day not hat

i was having a hat day before all this happened ..i just can not get a feel for the mkts noing ist being propped up ..when i say hay day i was up 547% last year . i quit trading when obama in there when and did houses . my mind dont like fake news!

yep kiss free mkts bye. goverment run now

toothpicks for chair legs holding

Posted by RP on 23rd of Apr 2020 at 01:33 pm

toothpicks for chair legs holding this scam mkt up..sp stks PE is 20 gee i bet those that should be more like 12-14 ..

lots jacking around of the

Posted by RP on 21st of Apr 2020 at 04:05 pm

lots jacking around of the shorts in that last 30 min trying to do a shake out..

so with all the new

NFLX to 500

Posted by RP on 21st of Apr 2020 at 04:03 pm

so with all the new competition coming online and whuhan virus not lasting forever where does that leave netflix i mean its ok but mostly repeats. so what three stks holding up mkt here  ntfx mazn and msft  

the pipeline keeps pumping in

Posted by RP on 21st of Apr 2020 at 02:10 pm

the pipeline keeps pumping in the bucks at certain levels need to push down blow them out than we can rock on the downside.. powell has the gate valve open all the way haha.. uso down 36% wow that was fun..

oilu did what a month ago

hav fun

so like i posted yesterday

Posted by RP on 21st of Apr 2020 at 09:19 am

so like i posted yesterday gld is down and gold etfs down uso wouldnt touch with your money i also went long jdst 25k shares see how that goes i play both sides og gld so will be looking to go long after this move lower. we hav the wack job pelosi doing her magic along with chucky cheese schumer so folks getting extra 600.00 a week to set at home why would u work wowo that makes ssense and i heard this morning that 4% of applicants got half the money that was suppose to be for small business u kidding me!! another scam ...thanks jpmorgan we bailed their asses out in 08 09 and they pander to shake shack and ruth crisp or what ever it is that monmey suppose to be for samll business not thoase assholes sorry just unreal the hand out free money greed coming thru again. i drive buy the place i eat breakfast and there are 4 cars and thats employees how long can this last. thanks china !!

sold my GLD puts friday

Posted by RP on 20th of Apr 2020 at 03:47 pm

sold my GLD puts friday as they were may expiration. will look to reenter soon i have a weekly topping on daily is topped and so has hourly. the scam continues every dog out there is oh buy gold ok great.. .short with puts on DIA.... 20 % of companies report this week on the dow . i would run away from USO most have no frikin clue what they are getting into. so oil blew up what is next??  so read article by bob miner used to live here in tucson and he is the fib queens mentor anyway he says we are in a wave 4 on sp500 5th wave to come. gee wonder what that will be?

i get up gold down

Posted by RP on 17th of Apr 2020 at 09:23 am

i get up gold down 26 great i am short than they work it back down 12

yes an djust when u get all cozy they drop the hammer

4591 died in the US

Posted by RP on 17th of Apr 2020 at 09:12 am

4591 died in the US in last 24 hours think about it

so i get a text

Posted by RP on 17th of Apr 2020 at 09:08 am

so i get a text from my friend he sold at the bottom in a panic and now he said he is buying back today hello!! if anyone with a brain thinks this is over i have some ocean front property i would like to sell you in arizona. now we will be focused on china and all the lying and bs they pulled and guess what it aint going to be good. will take many many qtrs to get out companies back its called EARNINGS  not the fed no free crap no the goverment..called free mkts we dont have those we nmay as well be china call the fed say buy the mkt look at japaan what 40 year silde.

nailed it matt!!

matt no sound and no

Posted by RP on 15th of Apr 2020 at 09:06 pm

matt no sound and no new player working on tonights newsletter

we need the machines the

Posted by RP on 15th of Apr 2020 at 11:30 am

we need the machines the terminators kick in here..a nice hard push down will fire them up

a break of 1729 on

Posted by RP on 15th of Apr 2020 at 11:22 am

a break of 1729 on june gold contract will confirm a cycle high . lots gaps on way down on gld.


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