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thx matt

CPB follow up

Posted by RP on 11th of May 2020 at 10:54 am

thx matt

any followup on the CPB

Posted by RP on 11th of May 2020 at 10:50 am

any followup on the CPB trade?

Sounds to me like u

Posted by RP on 11th of May 2020 at 09:12 am

Sounds to me like u love festers need to get a life. I am paying customer and i am here because of the product produced. I stated when i opened it looked wrong to me and that has happened before . As i stated i like the format we use the way it was and that a is my opinion so get off your whinning crap I think Matt is  a big boy.

Matt new player doesnt seem

Weekend Newsletter

Posted by RP on 10th of May 2020 at 05:59 pm

Matt new player doesnt seem to work.

yep they sold out march 23rd at the low buying back in at top smart folks!!

So one best friends called

Posted by RP on 8th of May 2020 at 03:51 pm

So one best friends called me last night his grand daughter who has two kids one a less than a year is a nurse here got the virus . Now the whole family is locked up for two weeks.

So Georgia opened up the

Posted by RP on 8th of May 2020 at 03:46 pm

So Georgia opened up the state coraona Wuhan is up 44% if this happens thru out the country aint gonna be good ..

the market is in its own world we have two divergences with the reality of what is really happening in the world and "MONEY" . see how this works itself out in the next quarter ..

so watching cnbc on negative

Posted by RP on 7th of May 2020 at 02:21 pm

so watching cnbc on negative rates if that is true we will have a depression not recession. do you think the folks will pay the goverment to put their money in the bank. i still think this is America but i am also glad i lived when i did..feel sorry for my grand kids.. we were not smart to start with doubling debt from 08/09 now we have no choice unless we let it collapse. so also dont think we have this inflation and the gold trade more like deflation.

so all day these idiots

Posted by RP on 6th of May 2020 at 02:25 pm

so all day these idiots all saying to buy GLD and miners must be a top..

ran out wd40 this is

spy just took a quick slap 

Posted by RP on 5th of May 2020 at 03:23 pm

ran out wd40 this is the suck in for the biggins to dump..

haha so they have to

SPX 5 min and 15 min commentary

Posted by RP on 5th of May 2020 at 12:12 pm

haha so they have to charge up the machines got an old guy with wd40 keeping wheels lubed..

W up 33.5% 45.00 this

Posted by RP on 5th of May 2020 at 09:17 am

W up 33.5% 45.00 this morning how did that happen..

Good clarification Steve. but now the foot is in the door. If and when we get out of this that need to go away. Look at Japan i rest my case.

Well if someone says they want there GLD gold watch what happens..

And i am in DBA

Posted by RP on 30th of Apr 2020 at 07:51 pm

And i am in DBA and CANE as well as i posted i think a rotation is coming and good place to hide is beaten up commodities. The boyz do hell of a job on the trades i like the commodities so why i jumped in when first mentioned

What you say is true but here are the facts in 120 years of corrections collapses etc in the stk mkt only one time did we not test the lows or exceed them and if memory serves me right it was 1987. Myself i despise all this goveremnt involvement let the mkts be mkts now we have computers trading the mkts and its a frikin disaster and guess what we all looking at the same thing. Steve's newsletter is right on i am short and i am in JDST nice day today and VXX. Like to see a nice pullback as my mind has a hard time with manipulation. Gold is being piled into by the hedgies and traders its what i trade the most and i do believe its going higher see where this pullback takes us. Now if mkt declines being short with JDST will be good trade gold on its own.

check out BRZU

Posted by RP on 28th of Apr 2020 at 01:52 pm

check out BRZU

DBA and CANE are right

Posted by RP on 28th of Apr 2020 at 01:50 pm

DBA and CANE are right up my alley. I think if we have a sector rotation hedge funds will pile into beat down commodities. Also gold etfs are topping out as well according to what i use and Matt brought this up in newsletters.


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