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we hit 2799 for a

Posted by RP on 13th of May 2020 at 12:54 pm

we hit 2799 for a low on sp500 just read johm murphy post he saying 2797 i am saying 2796 so we right there be nice see that break

we take out 2796 on

Posted by RP on 13th of May 2020 at 11:55 am

we take out 2796 on sp500  that will confirm a 45 day cycle high

if mkt contunies on the

Posted by RP on 13th of May 2020 at 11:48 am

if mkt contunies on the downside it will drag down gold stks dont think it wont i am long JDST added yesterday when down 1.80 puts on DIA long calls on VXX and long LABD hav zero longs ..

Hey Steve back when like couple  day the mkt started to crash you said be sure have a hedge so i bought 15k shares of UVXY so i paide as i remember 12.00 share i sold them couple days later made around dollar a share ..when we know hwat happened after that it went to 130.00. Not saying would hav been smart enough to hold them but that one bit me in the u know what..haha

we should be down 1000

Posted by RP on 13th of May 2020 at 09:04 am

we should be down 1000 on the dow this morning lots of backstops and button pushing overnight its coming

Nice move on my 125

Posted by RP on 12th of May 2020 at 03:58 pm

Nice move on my 125 vxx calls few more days of this i will be happy camper..,LABD also nice turn up

i think goldman is looking for 2400 on sp500 ..looking over larry williams cycles last night he saying a buy poit around nmay 28th on mkt now we all know it aint going straight anywhere but as usual we shall see

we need to take out

Posted by RP on 12th of May 2020 at 02:28 pm

we need to take out some machine numbers on the old algos to get this short party rockin..

OSTK IS UNREAL cant believe

Posted by RP on 12th of May 2020 at 02:26 pm

OSTK IS UNREAL cant believe i missed that

in VXX as well also picked up labd puts on DIA

posted OSTK here yesterday and

Posted by RP on 12th of May 2020 at 11:46 am

posted OSTK here yesterday and it up 8.61% again today up everyday ......................

long as you can pay

TSLA - rumors of California allowing reopen

Posted by RP on 12th of May 2020 at 09:22 am

long as you can pay for it ! last time i was there my son played football at USD roads on the way to and thru the state where horrible what happens when u give a way the farm..

Thanks for sharing your charts some good info ..

My Uncle lives in Columbus on best small towns in America. He has lived in same house sence 70's overlooks hundreds of acres of corn filelds and trees on a hill. Geese flying horses running just awesome he worked at Cummins diesel for 36 years after he got out of the navy. Saved his money worth millions you wouldnt no he had a dime. Thems the kinda folks i like. Haha oh and our vice presidents family is from the Columbus as well .

nails it !!

just follow the money

Posted by RP on 12th of May 2020 at 09:03 am

nails it !!

i still move out of

TSLA - rumors of California allowing reopen

Posted by RP on 11th of May 2020 at 03:38 pm

i still move out of CA haha next they want billions for us to bail out all the high debt states and their mismanagement going on for decades...i dont thin k we hav enogh trees to print that home state of indiana has a suplus has for years called good management..

matt / steve any idea

Posted by RP on 11th of May 2020 at 11:40 am

matt / steve any idea what is up with OSTK this thing is up almost everyday...

out CPB 2100.00 on 25

Posted by RP on 11th of May 2020 at 11:38 am

out CPB 2100.00 on 25 calls

MUSK would be smart to

Posted by RP on 11th of May 2020 at 11:03 am

MUSK would be smart to leave CA.  period i think AZ love to have him...

long JDST here DUST another

Posted by RP on 11th of May 2020 at 11:01 am

long JDST here DUST another one lots gaps to fill on charts overhead..


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