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CPB rockin again today

Posted by RP on 15th of May 2020 at 10:06 am

CPB rockin again today

timely news conference

Posted by RP on 15th of May 2020 at 10:05 am

timely news conference

went long VXX at close

Posted by RP on 15th of May 2020 at 09:34 am

went long VXX at close yesterday ..we geta real flush past the stops on machines gold could drop just like it did last time ..need a few margin calls . i know it looks strong and every hater of gold now owns it and the stks but its ripe ..

Thanks Steve ! stepped into

SPX educational 5 and 1 min

Posted by RP on 14th of May 2020 at 04:07 pm

Thanks Steve ! stepped into VXX calls at close

TRADE!! no emails unless i am missing something..

stopped out even oh well

like i said to different cultures not sure the koreans did what we did with nursing homes or even hav them

here we go ..picked up

Posted by RP on 14th of May 2020 at 11:15 am

here we go ..picked up OSTK calls on that swan dive see how this goes day trade only

good chart

VIX 60 min In H&S possibility

Posted by RP on 14th of May 2020 at 11:08 am

good chart

true but not that big a country and they work as a team we hav lots wack jobs here so all over the place . we will beat it and develope the vaccine. heard on news that china is now hacking out labs trying to steal the results just frikin unreal think the countries of the world going to turn on them

interesting well a mask is better ...we n eed a vaccine with out it our economy will be disrupted until it happens and we hav no clue the total cost to this .. the other way to deal with this is the herd effect.. daughter in law is a doctor in PA alot of talk about it but 2/3 of the deaths in PA are from the gov locking down the nursing homes lots deaths in NY and Seattle same with herd effect u hav to protect the most vulnerable obviously..

that would be great i have mint coins and 1000 oz bars all settin and waitin in the bank box..

kept LABD sold DIA puts

Posted by RP on 14th of May 2020 at 09:26 am

kept LABD sold DIA puts and VXX calls yesterday we bounce than will reshort...

any system short setups ?

Posted by RP on 13th of May 2020 at 03:51 pm

any system short setups ?

haha yes the mind games

we broke 2796 pn spx so the game i a ...

Posted by RP on 13th of May 2020 at 03:39 pm

haha yes the mind games ....

we broke 2796 pn spx

Posted by RP on 13th of May 2020 at 03:34 pm

we broke 2796 pn spx so the game i a foot Watson..

we get a oversold bounce

Posted by RP on 13th of May 2020 at 03:24 pm

we get a oversold bounce here well go out to july pick up more options

i just had to take

Posted by RP on 13th of May 2020 at 03:23 pm

i just had to take the money unreal oh baby!!

on the trading technique i

Posted by RP on 13th of May 2020 at 01:02 pm

on the trading technique i agree with matt hav to find what fits your personality. trial and error i like to build postions set get a big pop and dump. because i reade options for one but generally i go out 2-3 mo to be safe just in case. have not traded futures but thats next on my list..i also think using multiple time frames is very valuable to entering trades. I also watch the 2 hr for a trend day move keeps u from panicking out of the trade. no perfect science on any of this read study all u can than take what works. another thing is places like BP lots valuable info from lots experinenced  traders.

WW up nice and that

Posted by RP on 13th of May 2020 at 12:56 pm

WW up nice and that damn OSTK i have close to rollover on all time frames on OSTK sure is strong no reason i can see...


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